<< I mean, I can see sending them back, but putting them in jail, when they've really done nothing wrong except be in the wrong place.... >>
I don?t have any problem with immigrant farm workers legally working fields in the US. My problem is their not just trespassing they are knowingly breaking US laws. We have no idea who these people are or where they are from. How would you feel if someone decided they wanted to camp in your backyard? Would you like it? 
They're not camping in anyone's backyard, they're renting cheapapartments, or a small house and sharing it with 2 families. They do important work, that most US citizens won't do, unless you're going to tell me you pick strawberries for a living.
As far as breaking US laws, well, yes they are. But, we all break laws everyday. When was the last time you drove faster than 65mph, or copied a CD, etc? These people aren't breaking this law because they want to defy the US, they're not breaking the law to get free music, or to save 5 minutes on thier commute, either. These people are breaknig the law because they want to feed thier families, and they want thier children to have the opportunity to get an education.
I guess we don't know who these people are, but we do know something about them. They're poor families from Mexico. If you're worried about Drug lords or Terrorists living in the US illegally, beleive me, they're not going to hide out in a lettuce field.