AMD X2 Utilities & Cool'n Quiet


Junior Member
Dec 14, 2006
I recently purchased my first Dual Core CPU. Yeah!!!

Anyhow, installing WinXP I found the following utilities at AMD:

AMD Dual-Core Optimizer

AMD Athlon? 64 X2 Dual Core Processor Driver for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Version (x86 and x64 exe)

They can be found here:,,30_182_871_13118,00.html

Are these necessary utilities? Anyone run the systems without these. I do play some games though...

Also there seems to no AMD Athlon? 64 X2 Dual Core Processor Cool'n'Quiet Driver for Windows.

Anyone care to comment or clarify?


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Before you install any of this stuff (that is, if you do) run a benchmark using 3dmark on your PC and save the score, so if you do install anything, run 3dmark again and compare your score. It's just smart planning, as in the past, I've had some of these patches really screw with performance.

You will want them if you're on a laptop that makes good use of its power management features (because you're laptop is running off the battery a lot), or because you can't disable the power management features at all.
If you're plugged into power then you'll probably want the laptop to use the 'full power' profile or similar.

If you disable cool & quiet in your bios you can probably skip all of those patches (i can with my x2), but you may still need the dual core (DC) optimizer installed, but I haven't confirmed this enough (to my liking) yet.
I did however confirm that with C & quiet disabled in the BIOS, and without the DC optimizer installed, my video files playback just fine, but if C & quiet were enabled without the optimizer, video playback would be messed up.

The DC optimizer adds /usepmtimer into your c:\boot.ini file, which I've read can cause problems in world of warcraft (thus possibly in other games too).
I removed it from c:\boot.ini because I have C & quiet disabled.
If you install some other dual core patches, be aware that they may add /usepmtimer into your c:\boot.ini.

Now, the kb896256 microsoft patch, i don't bother with this as I have C & quiet disabled. MS says "benchmark performance scores may improve" if you install this, so you may want to test it.



Golden Member
Feb 23, 2006
I have Cool & Quiet disabled in BIOS, but I still have all of those drivers. As far as I know, you need them, so download them.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
if you don't use the power management features (cool & quiet), you can, as I said, skip most or all of those patches, especially if you're not using a laptop, but instead, a desktop computer.



Golden Member
Dec 26, 2006
I had no idea that Cool & Quiet and other power and temp reducing features had a noticable negative effect on performance or any at all. I just thought that they go into effect when your computer isn't doing anything.

Does Intel's eqivalent power and temperature reducing features also have such an effect?


Junior Member
Dec 14, 2006

I have a desktop computer with AMD X2 3800+ Energy Efficient version. It would be nice to save a a little $$$ (most likely cents) a month on energy bill since I plan on leaving the computer on at all times.

1) Does Cool'n Quiet make that much of a difference in the power consumption?

2) I can't seem to find the Cool'n Quiet Driver for Windows XP on AMD's site. Know where I can find this?

3) What about the AMD Processor driver for Windows XP/2003? Is this something I need?

The suggestion about keeping benchmark scores before applying the pathces are a great idea. I will do that.



CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005

i have this stupid feature enabled. I had my multi left alone on stock, since it adjusts your voltage and multi for the cool and quiet mode.

I have yet to see my computer downclocked. :T

Anyone ever get this thing to work?