AMD Cooler not sufficient enough for a 20gb harddrive? Need backup people!!!


Golden Member
Nov 6, 2000
Hi all,

I work at an ISP here in Porterville, CA and we do computer repair/networking/the works.

We upgraded a lady's harddrive from a 4gb to a 20gb and now she's saying that her computer locks up every one-four hours and she has to reboot. She took it down to another local shop here to check it out and they said that her cpu fan wasn't sufficient enough to support the harddrive we put in!!!!!!!! (I know...LOL, but we need some proof or something to tell this lady.) Now i'm not saying that something isn't wrong, because evidentally it is. Heat would usually do this (make a computer lock up and stuff), but i've never heard of a harddrive having to have a specific size of cpu fan...that's just too wierd. But any/all comments are appreciated. Thanks



Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
I saw this over there, and It still makes no sense. The guy has no clue. A CPU fan has nothing to do with a HD failing. I have never once seen a HD fail because of heat problems, but I have never had one get anywhere past "warm" to the touch. I am sure that Heat can get to be a problem tho, as they do sell coolers for that sort of thing. Just throw one in ( they are about $10 ) Problem solved, and the guy can get off your back ;)

and this is the incorrect forum man, but that will not stop me from making a reply. ;)