AMD conflict


Junior Member
Sep 25, 2000
can someone help me in picking the motherboard and procesor
I was thinking to go for AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz and Abit KT7

But now more problems arise

I was told it is very good idea to buy lower procesor and then just overclock it. Is it good idea? and which procesor would be best for it?

And also if I go for overclocking what motherboard is good ?
I heard Abit KT7PRO and KT7MASTER are not good motherboards if I want to overclock it.

And if I decide to not overclock is Abit K7 is same as Abit KT7?
and is there a big difference except the price between AMD Thunderbird 850mhz and 1Ghz?

And what is the deal with AMD Duron? Is it some new model? is it better than Thunderbird?

Can someone please help me with some tips.
thanks a lot



Senior member
Aug 21, 2000
socket-A is basically a back to the saving technique by AMD. the Socket version is what AMD is making now because it saves them money. IT is jsut a reulgar socket version chip.just liek the old pentiums. The SLOT A is basically a revision of the slot 1. it is basically the chip mounted onto a card that hooks to the board in a slot rather than a regular socket chip does.

t-bird is the best out there. the Duron is basically like competition for a celeron.........whereas the t-bird is competition for a pIII. The duron basically has 64KB L2 Cache vs. 256KB L2 on the t-bird.

i am not quite sure about the boards. i have heard asus a7v and a bit kt7 RAID are both great for overclocking. i think you should go with a t-bird and overclock it. i know that 850 can hit 1 GHz easily, and i am sure that 800 and 750 should be able to as well. you would basically get the same performance for a lot less money. well, good luck and i hope i was of SOME help.

oh yeah, if you don't work ur CPU a LOT, a duron is just fine, and very cheap for the price. Both the t-bird and duron overclock well. Also, if you plan to overclock and want a t-bird, you might consider getting a slot-a version only if you are afraid of doing anything hands-on and unlocking your cpu. with the slot-a version, you have the convenience of paying $25 for a GFD that will let you o/c much easier.


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2000

<< Duron is basically like competition for a celeron >>

The price is similar, but the Duron smokes the celery.
Check out this link, they sell chips that are able to o/c.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I just picked up a Duron 600 and Abit KT7 mobo last weekend for $200. (CPU = $57; mobo = $133.) The Duron's running at 900MHz now. I'd say I'm getting my money's worth! :D