Amazon: Pentax Optio S + 32meg SD : $272 shipped


Jul 24, 2002
Add Pentax Optio S
Then add Viking 32meg SD
Then use promotional claim code FREMEMPENTAX at checkout.

When you checkout, it gives you the free SD card by subtracting the price from the total. They price they subtract is $25 though and you get extra off (because the SD only costs $16.99). And free shipping. Out the door at $272.

Also if you signup for their Amazon credit card you can get a $30 savings on your first purchase. So in theory you could get this for $242.
Have a good Christmas.



Jan 1, 2002
Nice camera. Great for those who want to carry one around in their shirt pocket.

My brother ordered one as his first digital camera using this deal a couple of days ago. He was so confused by the process that I had to walk him through it.

I was in GoodGuys yesterday and they have it "on sale" for $369.99. The new Optio S4, according to the salesdroid is identical except for the 4 Megapixels. Whether or not that's true I don't kow.



Diamond Member
May 18, 2000
i think the s4 is slightly bigger.

got in myself on this deal a few days ago. great camera.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: mrchan
i think the s4 is slightly bigger.

got in myself on this deal a few days ago. great camera.

its the same size. i just got my s4 yesterday. this isn't a very hot deal considering you can get the s4 for 339 shipped


Senior member
Nov 7, 2003
I have this camera. It sucks. Image quality is awefull. I get better pictures out of my 2 mp cannon elph.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: evanadams
I have this camera. It sucks. Image quality is awefull. I get better pictures out of my 2 mp cannon elph.

I beg to differ. Image quality is very respectable given the diminutive size of this camera. It makes pictures on par or better than my old S100. The Optio S needs a significant amount of light to focus well but has less problems with graininess than my Canon did.

However, the main draw to this camera is its size, not performance. You can get much better pictures out of the larger cameras, obviously, but how many of them can you stick in an altoids can, or carry around in your back / side pocket without worrying about a conspicuous lump? It's only very slightly bigger and heavier than your average clamshell cell phone and very easy to use, to boot.

If you want to take photographs, get a digital SLR or prosumer camera. If you want to take snapshots get this unit. Not saying that the Optio S is bad at making nice pictures but it's meant to go places you wouldn't dare take a $900 Canon Eos -- i.e. on trips, outings, or just laying around for instant use. I've dropped this thing at least a dozen times, it's been sprayed with water, sat on, and still works like a champ. Oh, and the battery life is nothign short of phenomenal.


Feb 17, 2003
Originally posted by: amnesiac
Originally posted by: evanadams
I have this camera. It sucks. Image quality is awefull. I get better pictures out of my 2 mp cannon elph.

I beg to differ. Image quality is very respectable given the diminutive size of this camera. It makes pictures on par or better than my old S100. The Optio S needs a significant amount of light to focus well but has less problems with graininess than my Canon did.

However, the main draw to this camera is its size, not performance. You can get much better pictures out of the larger cameras, obviously, but how many of them can you stick in an altoids can, or carry around in your back / side pocket without worrying about a conspicuous lump? It's only very slightly bigger and heavier than your average clamshell cell phone and very easy to use, to boot.

If you want to take photographs, get a digital SLR or prosumer camera. If you want to take snapshots get this unit. Not saying that the Optio S is bad at making nice pictures but it's meant to go places you wouldn't dare take a $900 Canon Eos -- i.e. on trips, outings, or just laying around for instant use. I've dropped this thing at least a dozen times, it's been sprayed with water, sat on, and still works like a champ. Oh, and the battery life is nothign short of phenomenal.

all reviewers of this camera say that image quality is poor, especially when compared to canons.
it's very hard to get a clean, sharp picture, esp. in dim lighthing.

it's a tough call between this and the canon SD100. the only plus of the optio S when compared to the SD100 is the smaller size and 3X zoom.

personally, i'm waiting for the SD10 to drop in price, or if they can come out with a new modem similar in size to the SD10 but with optical zoom capabilities.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
Can't speak for the 3.2mp S, but I just bought the 4mp S4 which from what I've seen is similar except for the megapixel size. Pictures in good lighting are excellent, however the flash on it is pretty weak so make sure you are moderately close if you are using the flash. Other than that, I love this camera. The size makes it soooo easy to carry around, I use a padded Altoid can as a case.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2000
all the reviews i've read say the quality is poorer than larger cameras, but i have never read a review that has said the picture quality is poor. there is a difference.

steve's says its on par with larger cameras.


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2002
I have the S4 too, and like everyone else. I love this camera! It takes very good pictures, and has just enough features. I would suggest that you buy a Leather Pentax Optio S Case from OneCall. They have it for about 1/3 price of anyone else I've seen, and it's great. I would carry it in an altoids can, but I think that's kind of ghetto. Maybe it's just me.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2000
I jumped on this deal yesterday. I paid 267 with the $30.00 off for applying for Amazon Credit card. This camera is great, my dad bought it about 4 months ago. He let me have it for a few days, to play with. I found that it takes some great pics, specially if you take the time to play with the settings. It also has alot of options which I have not even tried all. I'ts really small in pics, It was even smaller when I got a hold it for reals and played wiht it. I suggest getting it from Amazon since you dont pay taxes or shipping, plus you get a small card, but can always upgrade to a 256 MB from eBay.



Oct 21, 2000
Does anyone know if Pentax really just fakes the 4MP in the S4 as has been previously suggested? That is, they use the same 3MP sensor but somehow make it produce 4MP.


Golden Member
Jul 24, 2000
Does anyone know if Pentax really just fakes the 4MP in the S4 as has been previously suggested? That is, they use the same 3MP sensor but somehow make it produce 4MP.

It's not fake, they just push the CCD to produce more megapixels.
Thus more noise than the 3MP version.
More MP is not always for the better.

Canon G3 has cleaner picture than G5, same with S45 and S50.

The only maker that fake the MP is Fuji.