Amazon...Free Motorola T720i Phone with Camera Attachment (T-Mobile)


Senior member
Dec 23, 2000
pshhh,, you must Activate your phone (sign up for the plan) in order to get the rebates

sucks :(


Jul 21, 2001
Originally posted by: nigm
pshhh,, you must Activate your phone (sign up for the plan) in order to get the rebates

sucks :(

i think you have to do this with all phone


Platinum Member
Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: toant103
Originally posted by: nigm
pshhh,, you must Activate your phone (sign up for the plan) in order to get the rebates

sucks :(

i think you have to do this with all phone

Not when it is prepaid plan ;)


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2000
prepaid will cost you more than a contract in the long run and who really needs a camera on a cell phone :)


Golden Member
Mar 19, 2000
I switched to T-Mobile a few months ago also with Free T720i with Camera. T-Mobile service sux comparing to Verizon. Inside my house, I can never make a good call. Bad signal, drop calls ... useless inside my house (CNY). The Camera is worest then my Web cam, very bad comparing to Samsung's. Even in NYC, the service quality still can't compare to Verizon. Right now I gave my T720i/T-Mobile to my GF and use the old V60/Verizon myself. I am so glad I only sign up for one service. If you going to get T-Mobile make sure you know what you getting into and compare the different service yourself.


Golden Member
Feb 2, 2001
What about if you get into a fenderbender. "A picture is worth 1,000 words".


Golden Member
Mar 19, 2000
May be the T720i's screen is not as good as the Samsung's in displaying picture or something. The picture taken from the T720i is very bad. I had tried 2 different camera attachments, same result, so I know the camera is not faulty. Seriously the picture taken from this phone/camera is horrible. Go to a cell phone place and see if they can demo it for you.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I just got two of the Samsung N400 phones at Sprint last weekend for free. Awesome Vision enabled phone, but the camera attachment is about $50.


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2000
One of the worst phones ever. Mines actually crash every so often. The phone is also slow as f*ck. At times it'll seem like the phone freezes and then u keep pressing the buttons and eventually the phone will catch up. It's like typing on an old old computer where the words come out after you've typed them years ago. The camera bites a big one as well. Low resolution and lighting is horrible. Definately not worth it considering you can get better free phones from dealers who are willing to give em out (Asian places).


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2001
Originally posted by: lundog22
I switched to T-Mobile a few months ago also with Free T720i with Camera. T-Mobile service sux comparing to Verizon. Inside my house, I can never make a good call. Bad signal, drop calls ... useless inside my house (CNY). The Camera is worest then my Web cam, very bad comparing to Samsung's. Even in NYC, the service quality still can't compare to Verizon. Right now I gave my T720i/T-Mobile to my GF and use the old V60/Verizon myself. I am so glad I only sign up for one service. If you going to get T-Mobile make sure you know what you getting into and compare the different service yourself.

I find these replies to absolutely worthless. It's difficult to make a generalization any more broad than you just have. For all I know you're saying "I don't get a T-Mobile signal here in Antarctica but my Verizon phone actually gets a bar." How ridiculous. It would be so much more useful if you would say "I live in mid-Michigan and have T-Mobile service and I find that it's actually better than the Verizon service that I used to have. I also attend Purdue and the service here is also better."

That statement may not be true to you, but it sure is for me. If you're comparing Verizon and T-Mobile in mid-Michigan or the Lafayette area in Indiana, I say go for T-Mobile. Don't listen to absurd blanket statements such as the one above.


Mar 16, 2001
Originally posted by: BornStar18
Originally posted by: lundog22
I switched to T-Mobile a few months ago also with Free T720i with Camera. T-Mobile service sux comparing to Verizon. Inside my house, I can never make a good call. Bad signal, drop calls ... useless inside my house (CNY). The Camera is worest then my Web cam, very bad comparing to Samsung's. Even in NYC, the service quality still can't compare to Verizon. Right now I gave my T720i/T-Mobile to my GF and use the old V60/Verizon myself. I am so glad I only sign up for one service. If you going to get T-Mobile make sure you know what you getting into and compare the different service yourself.

I find these replies to absolutely worthless. It's difficult to make a generalization any more broad than you just have. For all I know you're saying "I don't get a T-Mobile signal here in Antarctica but my Verizon phone actually gets a bar." How ridiculous. It would be so much more useful if you would say "I live in mid-Michigan and have T-Mobile service and I find that it's actually better than the Verizon service that I used to have. I also attend Purdue and the service here is also better."

That statement may not be true to you, but it sure is for me. If you're comparing Verizon and T-Mobile in mid-Michigan or the Lafayette area in Indiana, I say go for T-Mobile. Don't listen to absurd blanket statements such as the one above.

what are you talking about Blanket statements ? Verizon is prolly the best provider all along the east coast. I had ATT, Tmobile, MCI, and Verizon ... and I still have verizon because their reception is superb

I've driven all along the east coast as well with my cell phone and it worked flawlessly


Aug 18, 2001
I have t-mobile service in my area (SE mass) and I have not had one problem with it. Been great and clear. Went all the way to western NY with no problems all the way. Pretty good service I would say for the money.


Golden Member
Mar 4, 2003
I have a T-1000 Cyborg chip implanted in my head and my service is great! I would go with Skynet or Cyberdyne over T-Mobile or Verizon anyday. Enough chit-chat, I have to get back to my search for John Connor.


Aug 9, 2000
Dont know about you guys, but think T mobile is one of the best providers in new england. The only places it sux is in rural places like Andover, MA. Verizon, though, is the best choice if you go coast to coast. Right now, I live in Boston, and well, if a cell phone has awful recption in Boston, shame on that company!


Aug 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Gibson486
Dont know about you guys, but think T mobile is one of the best providers in new england. The only places it sux is in rural places like Andover, MA. Verizon, though, is the best choice if you go coast to coast. Right now, I live in Boston, and well, if a cell phone has awful recption in Boston, shame on that company!

Tmobile sucks in boston. Verizon is by far the best, IMO


Golden Member
Mar 19, 2000
Originally posted by: BornStar18
Originally posted by: lundog22
I switched to T-Mobile a few months ago also with Free T720i with Camera. T-Mobile service sux comparing to Verizon. Inside my house, I can never make a good call. Bad signal, drop calls ... useless inside my house (CNY). The Camera is worest then my Web cam, very bad comparing to Samsung's. Even in NYC, the service quality still can't compare to Verizon. Right now I gave my T720i/T-Mobile to my GF and use the old V60/Verizon myself. I am so glad I only sign up for one service. If you going to get T-Mobile make sure you know what you getting into and compare the different service yourself.

I find these replies to absolutely worthless. It's difficult to make a generalization any more broad than you just have. For all I know you're saying "I don't get a T-Mobile signal here in Antarctica but my Verizon phone actually gets a bar." How ridiculous. It would be so much more useful if you would say "I live in mid-Michigan and have T-Mobile service and I find that it's actually better than the Verizon service that I used to have. I also attend Purdue and the service here is also better."

That statement may not be true to you, but it sure is for me. If you're comparing Verizon and T-Mobile in mid-Michigan or the Lafayette area in Indiana, I say go for T-Mobile. Don't listen to absurd blanket statements such as the one above.

CNY = Central New Yrok NYC = New York City I had Sprint for a year, Verizon 1 1/2 year, T Mobile 3 Months. I travel and stay in between CNY and NYC year round. In general, CDMA (Verizon) is a better technology then GSM (T-Mobile)
Why is CDMA better? A few of the benefits of CDMA are wireline/clearer voice quality, better reception with less background noise, fewer dropped calls, enhanced security and greater reliability. Also, CDMA allows for more users to be on the system at once -- greater network capacity, resulting in fewer blocked calls for the users of a CDMA network.

What I said from my previous post was area around my house (CNY) and in (NYC), Verizon offer better service then T-Mobile from my experience with both carriers over a period of time. I might had over simplify a bit and caused some confusion.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2002
Plan on waiting 6 months for the rebate check. You have to send in a copy of your first month's bill, which takes over a month. Then wait 2 months for the processing company to do anything with your rebate. Then it takes 3-4 weeks to get your rebate in the mail after they process it.

t-mobile/sony t-68i works well in Atlanta


Senior member
Apr 4, 2000
T-Mobile is GSM. GSM coverage is excellent in major cities and on major interstate highways. Just search and see where T-Mobile GSM coverage is before deciding if you want to buy it. If you live in a dense metropolitan area and don't travel to rural areas often, T-Mobile is good. If you need roaming in rural areas, other providers like Cingular offer better coverage.


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: 3point14
I have a T-1000 Cyborg chip implanted in my head and my service is great! I would go with Skynet or Cyberdyne over T-Mobile or Verizon anyday. Enough chit-chat, I have to get back to my search for John Connor.
HAHAHA That is the funniest sentence I've read in a long time! That's one goign to be quoted! Please let me?


Golden Member
Mar 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Silex
Originally posted by: 3point14
I have a T-1000 Cyborg chip implanted in my head and my service is great! I would go with Skynet or Cyberdyne over T-Mobile or Verizon anyday. Enough chit-chat, I have to get back to my search for John Connor.
HAHAHA That is the funniest sentence I've read in a long time! That's one goign to be quoted! Please let me?

Yes you may, but have you seen this boy?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2000
Originally posted by: 3point14

I have a T-1000 Cyborg chip implanted in my head and my service is great! I would go with Skynet or Cyberdyne over T-Mobile or Verizon anyday. Enough chit-chat, I have to get back to my search for John Connor.

The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy. But these are new. They look human. Sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.

You still don't get it, do you? He'll find you. That's what he does! That's all he does! You can't stop him! He'll wade through you, reach down your throat, and pull your heart out!

Listen! And understand! That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with! It can't be reasoned with! It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!

Nov 7, 2002
Originally posted by: BornStar18
Originally posted by: lundog22
I switched to T-Mobile a few months ago also with Free T720i with Camera. T-Mobile service sux comparing to Verizon. Inside my house, I can never make a good call. Bad signal, drop calls ... useless inside my house (CNY). The Camera is worest then my Web cam, very bad comparing to Samsung's. Even in NYC, the service quality still can't compare to Verizon. Right now I gave my T720i/T-Mobile to my GF and use the old V60/Verizon myself. I am so glad I only sign up for one service. If you going to get T-Mobile make sure you know what you getting into and compare the different service yourself.

I find these replies to absolutely worthless. It's difficult to make a generalization any more broad than you just have. For all I know you're saying "I don't get a T-Mobile signal here in Antarctica but my Verizon phone actually gets a bar." How ridiculous. It would be so much more useful if you would say "I live in mid-Michigan and have T-Mobile service and I find that it's actually better than the Verizon service that I used to have. I also attend Purdue and the service here is also better."

That statement may not be true to you, but it sure is for me. If you're comparing Verizon and T-Mobile in mid-Michigan or the Lafayette area in Indiana, I say go for T-Mobile. Don't listen to absurd blanket statements such as the one above.

Do you(or anyone here) attend purdue? I do, and cant decide what cell phone plan to get. From what people have told me, T-mobile is the best in this area, but I also want to use in the Indy and Fort Wayne areas.
