I love fireworks. I hate crowds.
one year when we were still in DC area and still childless we went in to town for a concert that we musta been the only people that bought tickets to, when we got there it was cancelled, and we were kinda peeved because we'd come a fair ways (from reston to DC.. not huge far, just.. further than you want to go for nothing..) and the guy at the door advised us to head over to the mall for the fireworks, they were having fireworks for some us/belgium celebration or other.. was definitely not a day you'd normally expect fireworks.. we were in city already, so.. having nothing better to do, we did. and we were nearly the only people who did that too, musta been our night for choosing unique entertainment, there was nearly nobody there, and there were incredible fireworks, rivaled the july 4th ones in same venue.. was wonderful! great fireworks, and then a trip home in NO traffic!
now we just buy a bunch ourselves, tell our friends and the kids friends they can come if they want, someone always does and brings more, and set 'em off in the road.. they're legal here, in the sky ones and we have plenty long hoses.. dry is not going to be an issue this year, that'll make it less stressful.. and it's a cul de sac off a dead end street, so is not like we're bothering anyone but the neighbors who are either gone or out there havin' fun with us.. it's not the same but it's more fun and when it's over, we're already home.
this year.. adult friends for dinner, kids friends for dessert and snacks and fireworks..