Alpha 8045 vs. SK6 with delta 6800rpm?


Senior member
Jan 23, 2002
I currently have an SK6 with the delta 6800, it keeps my 1700+ O/C'd to 2100+ anywhere from 36-45 depending on how hot it gets outside, I'm looking to move up to the alpha but I want to make sure it will keep the temps at or below where they are right now.

Obviously with a big loud delta the alpha will be better than the sk6 but what about with a quiet panaflo?


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
The Delta and the 8045 will definetly keep your temps the same/cooler. I have heard that the sk6 with and 80mm fan is not very efficient because when you turn it 45 degrees the air travels outside the heatsink or something. Im not real sure though. What I would for sure check are you case temps. Do you have any fans installed? Getting a new heatsink may not be as effective as lowering you case temperature. As far as the Panaflo goes I have no idea, but it seems to me that a low movement fan and an 8045 wouldnt be nearly as good as a delta and an sk6. SK6's are good heatsinks anyway. Is the reason you want to go the 8045/Panaflo route because of sound? If so, I recommend either the 8045 or the Thermalright AX-7 with a 48.5cfm YS-Tech. I have that fan with the AX-7 and it is practicly unnoticible. Also cools great. It might not be strong enough for you massive overclock though. Hope this helps.


Senior member
Jan 23, 2002
Well I have 1 80mm fan right over CPU that's pulling air out, I also have the case open. I am getting some more 80mm to put one front and back but they also are going to be 21dba pana's which is why i wanted to know about the alpha. To answer your question yes I do want quiet but I want performance as well which is the reason why I need to move to a bigger cooler with a quieter ran, what kind of DBA does the YSTech put off?

Thanks for the info.