:QThe fire control computer is supplied by Computing Devices Canada of Ontario.
Would have to be powerful!Originally posted by: Staples
I have always wondered about Abrams tanks. Some guy who used to be in Desert Storm told me that the Russians sold the Iraqis bazookas which could blow a hole in an Abrams tank. He told me that there was no way they could take out an Abrams tank without those. I didn't hear about these bazookas meaning that it probably isn't true. Figures, he probably watches Fox News.
The hull and turret of the M1 are protected by advanced armour similar to the Chobham armour developed by the UK Ministry of Defence. The survivability of the M1/M1A1 main battle tank has been battlefield proven. The tanks survived without damage after sustaining direct hits by T-72 tank rounds. Of 1,955 Abrams M1A1 tanks in battle, no crew members were killed by enemy fire, four tanks were disabled and four tanks were damaged but were repairable.
Hehe, that's our product.The M1A2 SEP (System Enhancement Program), is the digital battlefield centerpiece for Army XXI. It is the heavy force vehicle that will lead Armor into the next century and transition the close combat mission to the Future Combat System (FCS). The M1A2 SEP is an improved version of the M1A2. It contains numerous improvements in command and control, lethality and reliability. The M1A2 System Enhanced Program is an upgrade to the computer core that is the essence of the M1A2 tank. The SEP upgrade includes improved processors, color and high resolution flat panel displays, increased memory capacity, user friendly Soldier Machine Interface (SMI) and an open operating system that will allow for future growth. Major improvements include the integration of the Second Generation Forward Looking Infared (2nd Gen FLIR) sight, the Under Armor Auxiliary Power Unit (UAAPU) and a Thermal Management System (TMS).
Building it is the easy part - getting it out of your basement is the tough part.Originally posted by: VBboy
Is this information reliable?
I am not going to build one in my basement if their specs are not correct.
Originally posted by: Cyberian
Building it is the easy part - getting it out of your basement is the tough part.Originally posted by: VBboy
Is this information reliable?
I am not going to build one in my basement if their specs are not correct.
Originally posted by: guyver01
I heard reports coming out of this war that an Iraqi milita force attaced an american convoy... and fired RPGs at the tanks... but the RPGs just bounced off the hull of these armored beasts...
True indeed...Originally posted by: guyver01
I heard reports coming out of this war that an Iraqi milita force attaced an american convoy... and fired RPGs at the tanks... but the RPGs just bounced off the hull of these armored beasts...
You can find a bunch of stuff at google - something interesting I found wasOriginally posted by: Tabb
Can we get some technical and historical information on the T-Series tanks?
Originally posted by: Skoorb
:QThe fire control computer is supplied by Computing Devices Canada of Ontario.