All of downtown is smothered in smoke - good thing I brought my digicam!


Dec 26, 1999
It *was* looking like a nice day out, but now it just looks gloomy now that I made it to work. A building not even a block away caught fire in a big way apparently. I saw the smoke from over 3-4 miles away from the scene. I brought my camera to work to take some pics of some cars afterwards, but as soon as I saw the plume of smoke, I took it out to snap some pics. It looks like the fire was well under control by the time I made it to work, had I been here an hour earlier, I probably would've gotten some more interesting pics, but all I got was smoke. The good thing was that I could get on the rooftop of my building to get a better view of the place, but again, all I got was smoke.

This is when I started to say 'hmmm'
This is when I started to think my work was the cause of this...
OK, it wasn't work, but still damn close
That's about it folks.

BTW: I took these pics not even 5 mins ago. Enjoy the pics of umm....smoke :p


Dec 26, 1999
If you look @ the third pic, (that pic was taken from the roof of my work) you'll see a big brick building, the place on fire is diagonally across the street from there. The building is covering up the one on fire... It's a function hall/restaurant....not sure if anything adjacent to it caught fire as well, we'll see when the smoke settles. Maybe later when the smoke clears I can go back up there and snap another pic or cam is running out of batteries though :(


Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by: NokiaDude
What's that big box on the third pic, it looks like a security cam?

*shrug* not sure, I'm not familiar with the stuff on the roof with the exception of the AC units and the satellite we have up there :p

I came back to update with more pics, but there's nothing interesting to see really, sorry guys ;)