4 days and counting and I don't know how much longer I can survive.
If I don't get power real soon, I might be considering suicide here.
OK, all kidding aside, I don't see how the Amish people does it.
I can't live without electricity....there I said it.......I can't live without electricity.
Actually, I'm lying a little bit.
I do have electricity....but that means living with my parents.....YIKE !!
Living without power VS living with parents.
Wow, now thats a tough one but parents win out this round.
ARGH.....all you Floridian without powers, come on in and vent your anger....thats if you can somehow get access to the net.
What a crude world we live...I kknow I know.
If I don't get power real soon, I might be considering suicide here.
OK, all kidding aside, I don't see how the Amish people does it.
I can't live without electricity....there I said it.......I can't live without electricity.
Actually, I'm lying a little bit.
I do have electricity....but that means living with my parents.....YIKE !!
Living without power VS living with parents.
Wow, now thats a tough one but parents win out this round.
ARGH.....all you Floridian without powers, come on in and vent your anger....thats if you can somehow get access to the net.
What a crude world we live...I kknow I know.