alienware m11x r1 woes


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2007
my m11x r1 hinge was starting to have problems. It was crackling when opening/closing, exposing the wires, and causing the screen to be lopsided as well.
My notebook has been out of warranty for almost 1 year

so, since alienware/dell issued a recall and said they would replace hinges even outside of warranty I decided to get it fixed!
I called alienware, they shipped out a box for FedEx ground... and when it arrived the foam inserts wouldn't fit my m11x D:... no problem, i just cut some of the foam off and made sure my notebook still fit snuggly.

so I head to my nearest FEDEX, what used to be a KINKO's and ship it out, and wait a week.
It returns to me in new packaging looking beautiful, about what it was before.
I look it over and check that they replaced the plastic hinge with the new metal one. They DID, HOORAY.

I check the papers and see that they replaced the whole LCD panel. No worries, it seems like that's normal.
So, I turn on the notebook and everything seems to be working fine.... except!


huh? half of the alienware backlight doesn't work. Eh it's no big deal

so i decide to check the LCD for defects and what do i find?


could they be dead pixels? I start reading up on pixel defects... stuck pixels show up best on black backgrounds, but these defects are only noticeable on colors other than black.. OH NO

it seems like i have 2-3 partial defective pixels near the corner of my LCD :(?

I call alienware tech support again, and confirm that they replaced my LCD panel.
I ask them politely if they'd consider replacing my LCD panel as there were some defective pixels and alienware logo backlight issues, but they said NO, since I was out of warranty.

What me do? :(
I'll try calling tech support and customer service again I guess...
new notebook time?
since cpu is mildly slow anyway

edit: called tech support again, they'll be shipping me a box
offered me a 'discounted' 1 year warranty since there was a promotion saying that, that way they could repair it on-site.
i declined the warranty saying i'd just buy a new notebook if i had to spend money on this one
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Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2007
agh :( i got my notebook back, and it has some more pixel defects on it :\
the more noticeable (somewhat larger) one is normally covered up by my steam logo on the taskbar, but there's one in the bottom left that's visible when web browsing
they both seem to be manufacturing screen defects, since they're always visible, though most visible on a color/white screen.

alienware shipped a return shipping label with the box this time :\, but the majority of the time spent is in shipping the notebook to them, followed by the return shipment

i guess i could live with the screen defects, but they'd likely annoy me somewhat when streaming netflix hd and playing games full screen.

ugh... what to do now....


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2007
i don't want to resell it, but that's nice to know.

i was just wondering if it's worth getting used to having a few "corner" "dead" pixels, or if i should send it back to "say" that "dead" or defective pixels are not acceptable on "new" (in my case a replacement) screens.

if i'd known i'd keep getting bum screens, i'd have replaced the hinge myself. It's an easy enough replacement anyway...
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Jul 6, 2011
if theyre going to pay for shipping, why not?
and plus, youve paid quite a bit of money for it