Alien Vs. Predator: What's Really Out There


Senior member
Jan 13, 2003
Standing in the ticket line for Alien vs Predator, I assumed this movie would be a souped-up version of a video game, a small home entertainment pumped up on Hollywood steroids to fill the big screen. Of course, I couldn?t help but notice that the line extended over three counties, and the movie had grabbed top ranking at the box office its first weekend out. Facts are, Alien vs Predator is not just mindless bloat, and a better film than folks over thirty will expect.


Of course, films like this suggest that the Galaxy is largely populated by highly aggressive species, ones whose interest in Earth might extend no farther than using it now and again as a hunting lodge. The tracts of space, in this view, are akin to the unknown seas on medieval maps -- "here be monsters" -- vast, forbidding habitats that lap the shores of the civilized world, and are stuffed with dangerous creatures.

Full Story at Alien Vs. Predator: What's Really Out There

Sir Ulli


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2001
Horrible move IMHO. Full of plot problems, bad acting, sad fight scenes and a bad story line.

I am not in any way saying you are this way, but most of the people that I know like it are the same ones that like anything *they* pay for. For some reason if a person buys something it has to be the best thing they ever bought. :S If I buy something and it sucks I make sure and tell everyone! I don't care if I look stupid for buying it, or paying for it in this case.

Back to the movie. :p

They should have never used the director/writer they did. He is horrible but fox wanted to save movie. They knew this movie would sell any way you looked at it so they didn't really care. As long as they got decent movie sales and could pull in all the action figure and games sales from it they are happy.

I have paid to see some bad movies before, but this is the worst as of late. :(


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
I've seen all the Alien movies from the mid 70's up until the last one, and the 2 Predator movies.
Of course I went to see this one.

Yes, it could have been better.

However, it could have been so very much worse!
It was a ride, and as such I had a good one. I loved the fact that Lance Henrickson was in it, and I greatly enjoyed the girl fighting the Queen at the end. (not too bad of a spoiler eh?)

As a guy who has devotedly followed all the movies that came before, I say go see it - but pay matinee and not full price. I had fun, you might have fun too.

I think there would be very aggressive species going out and plundering the galaxy.
Look at out own histories, the very aggressive pioneers who came and took what they wanted from the Aztecs and the rest. Aggressive people line up for heroic missions where the risks are high and the rewards are great. That's life, get used to it. (IMHO)