Al-Qaeda kingpin surrenders to US forces


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Al-Qaeda kingpin surrenders to US forces
US forces have arrested the leader of the Mosul branch of al-Qaeda in Iraq, a capture described by the spokesman for coalition forces as a major defeat for the terrorist group.

Mohammed Khalaf, also known as Abu Talha, was arrested last Tuesday, said US Air Force Brigadier General Don Alston.

"Talha was one of al-Zarqawi's most trusted operation agents in Iraq. This is a major defeat for al-Qaeda terrorist organisation in Iraq. Al-Zarqawi's leader in Mosul is out of business," Alston said.

He added that US forces found Abu Talha in a quiet neighbourhood in Mosul after a number of tips.

Abu Talha, he said, did not go through with a reported threat to kill himself rather than fall into American hands.

"Instead, Abu Talha surrendered without a fight," Alston said.

His arrest follows the June 5 capture in Mosul of Mutlaq Mahmoud Mutlaq Abdullah, also known as Abu Raad, who was Abu Talha's key facilitator and financier.
That's great and all, although Al Qaeda wouldn't abruptly stop functioning even if the organization was totally beheaded today.

On a related note, was Abu Raad the minion guy that we initially thought was a head honcho? I'm too lazy to look it up.


Oct 14, 1999
Are you sure Al Queda could survive decapitation?

Hell, you probably still think Osama is the brains of it all. The truth is Osama is the symbolic head. Another older guy is the top chicken. He mentored Osama and brainwashed him in the doctrine, and he's the money behind the organization. He surrendered and was given general amnesty by our ally. Now he's back out in the wild. Kill him off and I bet Osama is less of a threat, if he's a threat anymore at all. I've heard he's dust in the wind himself scattered over the mountains of Bora Bora.

I think people should take whatever any president says with a grain of salt. Presidents use the KISS principle when talking to the general public. That is probably fuel to the fire for the tinfoil types, but it explains why they ae always wrong on the issues.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
They get another 3 guy?

Every time they get a #3 guy, a #4 will be promoted into that slot.


Apr 8, 2002
Why is it whenever one of these tough guys says he will blow himself up they always surrender?

One would hope these ignorants below people like this human piece of sh!t would wake up and notice something like that.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2002
Why is it whenever one of these tough guys says he will blow himself up they always surrender?

Because they are spineless.

And why, when you have plenty of drug addicted, homosexual, criminal, mentally retarded Muslim outcasts that you can sell the notion of god and paradise to? People really don't think that the ones blowing themselves up are normal people?

Very similar to why many gays and pedos became priests - they thought that they could make up their shortcomings in the eyes of god. The same concept applies here, but substitute regions of the world and religions and you have the physical base of Al Queda.

Of course the leadership never intends to die. They are too busy getting filthy rich off of the whole situation - oh and raping women, and praising the god of peace...