Aion - anyone here still play?


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2010
I've had an active account since release and have a well geared main. I'm pretty excited for 2.0 coming out in a few weeks. Anyone else here still into Aion? I think they've improved a lot since the release the only real trouble at the moment is server balance. Most have way too many eylos.


Golden Member
Jun 15, 2003
i played the open beta and first month after buying... but already the game was getting insanely grindy. even the quests were a grind... if you could find them.

i did get excited when they talked about upgrading the graphics to dx10... has that happened yet or is that what's coming in 2.0?


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2010
no they haven't upgraded the graphics yet. they have made the game a lot easier now to level, a lot of the original players say it is easy mode in comparison to the release.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2001
I pretty much stopped playing after my account was stolen. Everything was replaced and then some but I just never got back into it. Just really nothing to do but grind and run MM for me. I'm looking for a reason to play again but waiting for new content or game mechanics to change. Assassin getting semi-nerfed kinda sucked.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
I quit playing last April.

I didn't have too many gripes with the game (sure, it can be a grind, but all MMO's are)... I just moved to a location that didn't have broadband and thats why I quit. I'm curious what they are doing with it. Once I get internet (I'm using an air card now) I'd probably fire it up unless something better is out.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
The bots was to much for me. I think the population dropped in half the first month because of all the bantant bot use.

It was the worst game ever for bots in the history of MMO. At least north america.

It felt like a single player game, you log on, and look around and could count 30+ bots in a single area waiting for a spawn to kill. rofl It was pathetic.

The devs did not care at all. You know what the fix was? A option to report at a time. Seriously you could spend all day just reporting bots. lol They would not even get rid of them fast enough because they had to "investigate" it first. It was like the devs was messing with you for fun, because you could only report 7 a hour. LOL

The worst part was legions named "BOT" and would literally have hundreds of players that just botted.

The game had so much potential, but failed because of developers not caring.


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
It's the only MMO in the past few years that really intrigued me. Asheron's Call was my first MMO (which I still adore), and I played WoW for a few years. Over time, I tried Asheron's Call 2, Warhammer AoR, Age of Conan, Runes of Magic, Perfect World, and a few others. AoC was the runner up, and Aion was the only one to truly peak my interest.

Unfortunately, I quit due to the grindy nature of it and tons of spam bots. I might give it another shot some day, but I'd really want to see some dedication from the dev team before I throw them any more money.


Junior Member
Jul 13, 2010
no they haven't upgraded the graphics yet. they have made the game a lot easier now to level, a lot of the original players say it is easy mode in comparison to the release.

so hows the bot population nowadays? bots killed it for me... plus the grind


Jan 23, 2001
Aion had a ton of potential. I loved flying, pvp combat, group combat, questing. It got so grindy at 40+ though and some of the areas were obvious choke points and yes, there were a lot of bots.


Senior member
Jun 18, 2009
The bots was to much for me. I think the population dropped in half the first month because of all the bantant bot use.

It was the worst game ever for bots in the history of MMO. At least north america.

It felt like a single player game, you log on, and look around and could count 30+ bots in a single area waiting for a spawn to kill. rofl It was pathetic.

The devs did not care at all. You know what the fix was? A option to report at a time. Seriously you could spend all day just reporting bots. lol They would not even get rid of them fast enough because they had to "investigate" it first. It was like the devs was messing with you for fun, because you could only report 7 a hour. LOL

The worst part was legions named "BOT" and would literally have hundreds of players that just botted.

The game had so much potential, but failed because of developers not caring.

Yeah this is my feeling as well. Interesting story, pretty graphics, not half bad combat system and many promising features, but the bots and grindy nature turned me away.

The flying thing also pissed me off. Have these wings and at best for the first half of the game you can merely use it to not die from falling off a cliff or whatever....but they dont tell you that you cant use the wings in most of the quest areas, just the cities and such, until you are a month or two in and several levels up.


Jan 23, 2001
Yeah this is my feeling as well. Interesting story, pretty graphics, not half bad combat system and many promising features, but the bots and grindy nature turned me away.

The flying thing also pissed me off. Have these wings and at best for the first half of the game you can merely use it to not die from falling off a cliff or whatever....but they dont tell you that you cant use the wings in most of the quest areas, just the cities and such, until you are a month or two in and several levels up.

I liked the wing progression, every time you reached a new level it was a huge thing. I remember when I got my CE wings and could fly around the abyss for quite a while. Plus farming flight potions was easy and could let you fly indefinitely.


Senior member
Jun 18, 2009
I liked the wing progression, every time you reached a new level it was a huge thing. I remember when I got my CE wings and could fly around the abyss for quite a while. Plus farming flight potions was easy and could let you fly indefinitely.

I never made it that far. Lacks of flying made me to sad to continue with that game. Well that and the fact that the game gained an immediate reputation as a grind fest and was quickly overwhelmed with bots.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
U never made it into 20% of the entire grind to 60 if you didn't reach level 25 to get to the abyss.

Fortress PVP, although zergfests, were the only fun aspect of that game. Flying combat was pretty interesting, but mostly a tab attack lag fest.

I ragequit when I failed multiple crafts (4) at the best armor set. Shit costs millions and millions per craft attempt. I then started botting (it was not cheap in terms of IRL $$) overnight for money just so I could keep attempting the crafts without actaully playing. After 11 fucking fails, I let a friend strip the character and my sub expire.

Fuck that game. Way to piss off the hardcore players by having a "cockblock" that was entirely, entirely, entirely, dependent on chance, luck, and the bullshit RNG.

I never made it that far. Lacks of flying made me to sad to continue with that game. Well that and the fact that the game gained an immediate reputation as a grind fest and was quickly overwhelmed with bots.


Jan 23, 2001
I ragequit when I failed multiple crafts (4) at the best armor set. Shit costs millions and millions per craft attempt. I then started botting (it was not cheap in terms of IRL $$) overnight for money just so I could keep attempting the crafts without actaully playing. After 11 fucking fails, I let a friend strip the character and my sub expire.

I quit before I ever burned all my stockpiled components - just burned out on nightly grinding. But I imagine that is what would have happened had I attempted anything...


Senior member
Jan 30, 2001
U never made it into 20% of the entire grind to 60 if you didn't reach level 25 to get to the abyss.

Actually he did because the level cap is 50, not 60. No one really goes to Abyss at 25 anyway unless they are doing NTC.
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Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
I still play as an Asmo on Vaizel, the only Asmo dominated server. I'm trying to finish my light of luck but every spot is camped by a billion asmos now.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
I played Elyos on Vaizel. The Asmo and Elyos were both doing well when I left in December, tug of war between fortress control, but Asmo were finally taking over and owning the bitch ass Elyos. So much fucking noob high school girl drama in MMOs, I almost forgot about that about wow/mmos when I started playing Aion, but boy was that present in Aion. Elyos deserve to suck.

Oops lol I forgot about the cap, I haven't played that shitty game in forever.

No, he never made it through 20% of the entire level grind in terms of **time spent**. Level 25 took about 1/4 - 1/5 of the way.

Actually he did because the level cap is 50, not 60. No one really goes to Abyss at 25 anyway unless they are doing NTC.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
xCxStylex, I played Elyos on the same server as you, and it was about Feb/Early March where the Elyson took over every fortress, and was never contested anymore by the Asmos. I believe at that point Asmos were quitting and all the big guilds were leaving the game. A good time for me to quit playing. But the zerg fortress battles were fun.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
xCxStylex, I played Elyos on the same server as you, and it was about Feb/Early March where the Elyson took over every fortress, and was never contested anymore by the Asmos. I believe at that point Asmos were quitting and all the big guilds were leaving the game. A good time for me to quit playing. But the zerg fortress battles were fun.

Nope, the core was never taken.

Asmo took over Divine and pretty much controls everything now.