Passed the Project Management Professional Certification exam today. It turned my brain inside out!
I had materials for the PMBOK (3rd Ed.) ... the 4th edition was released in December and the test will change July 1st ... nothing like waiting till the last minute!
At the end of my studying I was doing practice tests in about 90 mins ... but the real test kicked my arse! I was there for over 3.5hrs ... spent a good bit of time reviewing my answers and caught some errors before pressing the button.
Project Management Institute
Ahhhh now I can relax a little!!! (and catch up on chores)
I had materials for the PMBOK (3rd Ed.) ... the 4th edition was released in December and the test will change July 1st ... nothing like waiting till the last minute!
At the end of my studying I was doing practice tests in about 90 mins ... but the real test kicked my arse! I was there for over 3.5hrs ... spent a good bit of time reviewing my answers and caught some errors before pressing the button.
Project Management Institute
Ahhhh now I can relax a little!!! (and catch up on chores)