Ahh! Should I take this job?? hELP!

Mar 15, 2003
I interviewed for a photographer job and I'm currently on a trial basis... I'm having second thoughts already and need some advice... Here's the full rundown of the job:
-I'd work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night for 3 hours a night (11PM to 2AM or 12A-3A)
-I'd get a flate rate of $60 a night - twice as much as I thought I would get paid
-My job is to take pictures (NOT candid pictures) of the patrons of various clubs / bars in the new york areas. I would then have to upload these pictures to the server every morning
-Here's the tough part They require an average of 200 pictures per night. Is this possible? They understand an occassional slow night but they want 200 pictures of 200 unique people - this sounds impossible to me... Is it? I'm not much of a clubber at all but do popular clubs get that many people? I can not take duplicates of the same person.. If I took a group picture of 4 people I could then take pictures of the different people in the group... But still.. 200 pictures in 3 hours sounds impossible to me
-They MUST be boring "look at the camera shots".. for liability reasons I can not take crazy shots of girls raving or "girls gone wild" sorta things

Now the pay is very fair and the job could be fun.. But taking 200 pictures in one night seems impossible to me - is it?


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
so you are a poparatzi! :confused:

or not?

i don't get it, why would they want these pictures? who makes money by paying you to take the pictures?


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: freedomsbeat212
Originally posted by: FoBoT
so you are a poparatzi!

Well, only I have to get everyone's permission before taking the pictures...

or not?

i don't get it, why would they want these pictures? who makes money by paying you to take the pictures?


Jun 22, 2001
That's what photoshop is for my friend. :)

But yes 200 basically means no time for the ladies. Well, it wouldn't matter since they all will think you're stalking them by asking each and every girl there for a picture. "What a weirdo, I hope my pic doesn't end up on Paris Hilton's naked body b/c of him"


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2001
200 pics in 3 hours is cake my friend.

thats a little bit more than 1 picture a minute...

Mar 15, 2003
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
That's what photoshop is for my friend. :)

But yes 200 basically means no time for the ladies. Well, it wouldn't matter since they all will think you're stalking them by asking each and every girl there for a picture. "What a weirdo, I hope my pic doesn't end up on Paris Hilton's naked body b/c of him"

really? Well, i'd have to take ladies and men.. but 200 different people (or couples - i could always take one of the couple and then one of each of them for 3 today pictures) go to popular clubs in a night?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

200 people in 3 hour is roughly 1 per minute. It will be hard to ask permission & ask them to sign a wavers in that time. it is possible to do it if you take extremely high res pics & have 1/2 dozens people in it at a time.

Ask them what kind of pics does they want...do they want intimate candid pics or just group of meaningless people/shots.
Mar 15, 2003
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Damn dude do it! Sorry for second post same thread, but give it a go.

Thanks for the enthusiasm :) i'll try the trial and see how I do... As for the "stalker with a camera" thing - I'll have a press pass so I'll appear somewhat legit.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
If you don't have a job currently, this is a no-brainer. At the worst, you find out it is impossible to do, and have to quit.
Mar 15, 2003
Originally posted by: lowtech
200 people in 3 hour is roughly 1 per minute. It will be hard to ask permission & ask them to sign a wavers in that time. it is possible to do it if you take extremely high res pics & have 1/2 dozens people in it at a time.

Ask them what kind of pics does they want...do they want intimate candid pics or just group of meaningless people/shots.

I don't have to get written waivers- supposedly looking at the camera and smiling is legally a waver.. i dunno.. i'm not a lawyer.. Also, the pics are boring group/ single people looking at the camera things..this is a classy site (they're more about demographics/market research than having exploitive pictures) so no ggw stuff either.. sigh..


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: beatmix01
200 pics in 3 hours is cake my friend.

thats a little bit more than 1 picture a minute...
Have you tried taking pics at a wedding?
200 individual shot is hell.

I only take pics for friends at there wedding, while knowing that I can make an easy $500~800 cash weekend. Because, take that many pics of people you are going to run into grumps that ruin your day.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
dont take the job. jobs lead to bad things.

with a job you get paid. when people get paid they get thins like playstations or xbox's wich then they get lazy and fat. Some even take that paycheck and get drugs!

drugs are bad! so work is bad!
Mar 15, 2003
Originally posted by: lowtech
Originally posted by: beatmix01
200 pics in 3 hours is cake my friend.

thats a little bit more than 1 picture a minute...
Have you tried taking pics at a wedding?
200 individual shot is hell.

I only take pics for friends at there wedding, while knowing that I can make an easy $500~800 cash weekend. Because, take that many pics of people you are going to run into grumps that ruin your day.

Yeah, that was EXACTLY my thought process.. it's damn hard to take one picture a minute of people standing still.. but bars (in NYC especially) are very .. well.. transient? no one really just stays in one place.. people leave and enter all the time.. i hope this works out though.. the pay seems fair..


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
Are these bars and clubs aware of what you are doing? Are you going to be inside the bar/club or outside?
Mar 15, 2003
Originally posted by: DBL
Are these bars and clubs aware of what you are doing? Are you going to be inside the bar/club or outside?

Yes, the company i work for makes arrangements with the venues.. I'll also have an official press pass so I don't have to worry about ignorant bouncers/jeaolous boyfriends

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
This job sounds odd. I figure its gonna be hell. Do you have any idea how many times your gonna have to explain why your taking these pictures? Sober people would be hard enough but get some alcohol in them and it will be murder. What are the pictures for anyways??!!


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Antisocial-Virge
This job sounds odd.

Do you have any idea how many times your gonna have to explain why your taking these pictures?

What are the pictures for anyways??!!

he still hasn't splained it here either , i don't get why they pay for random pictures

to make a web site look nice?

to advertise for the clubs?

Mar 15, 2003
Originally posted by: Antisocial-Virge
This job sounds odd. I figure its gonna be hell. Do you have any idea how many times your gonna have to explain why your taking these pictures? Sober people would be hard enough but get some alcohol in them and it will be murder. What are the pictures for anyways??!!

Yeah.. I think drunk people would be easier to take pictures of, actually.. The pictures serve a few purposes- I give them a card and tell them to tell friends and families about the site to see the picture.. They do and if they like the picture they can buy a 4x6 or poster.. that's one revenue source.. the other is that the sell the pictures in bulk to researchers for market research. it's one of the few places that do demographic studies with pictures..

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
Originally posted by: freedomsbeat212
Originally posted by: Antisocial-Virge
This job sounds odd. I figure its gonna be hell. Do you have any idea how many times your gonna have to explain why your taking these pictures? Sober people would be hard enough but get some alcohol in them and it will be murder. What are the pictures for anyways??!!

Yeah.. I think drunk people would be easier to take pictures of, actually.. The pictures serve a few purposes- I give them a card and tell them to tell friends and families about the site to see the picture.. They do and if they like the picture they can buy a 4x6 or poster.. that's one revenue source.. the other is that the sell the pictures in bulk to researchers for market research. it's one of the few places that do demographic studies with pictures..

I predict another dot.com bust in the near future :) Market research by pictures? Why not just use the phonebook? It will be about as accurate. :confused:


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
Originally posted by: freedomsbeat212
Originally posted by: DBL
Are these bars and clubs aware of what you are doing? Are you going to be inside the bar/club or outside?

Yes, the company i work for makes arrangements with the venues.. I'll also have an official press pass so I don't have to worry about ignorant bouncers/jeaolous boyfriends

If that's the case and the bouncers are cool with it, I don't see that as being too difficult. Just set up right after people have paid and are in the process of walking into the club. Make up some cheesy line that you are going to have to repeat at least 200 times and snap away. I'm sure you will get some people who refuse but most will probably be fine with it, especially if the bouncers are cool.

Also, I hope you have some decent equipment b/c that would be asking a lot from a cheap P&S.