Okay get this, you know my car is a real piece right? (mid 18s - high 18s quarter mile [91' mercury capri pushin like 95HP]) lol.... well I pull up next to this kid and he's got his seat ALL THE WAY DOWN and he's grabbin' the steering wheel with one hand all the way down there like a real pimp....lol all this in his teal / greenish pimpscort from the ealier 90's and he's got the SWEET chromed out HUBCAPS...bahahha.... and uh, i think he even *gasp* debadged his car....well mine is too but only because it fell off, lol. Anyway, we're stopped at this light and i pull up on the white line but i dont know what the hell he was doing I don't THINK it was a stickshift because I dont know it was weird we were on a level street, i mean LEVEL, and his car was rolling back- lmfao. Maybe he hit reverse when he put it in nutral or something- haha- or maybe it was a true stick who knows (if it was, more points for me because i'm a auto). Anyways it looks like he's having trouble in his lane because he's getting pissed at me or his car or he was just feeling the fury of a race, lol.
So the light turns green and I launch and barly hear my tires squeal (i'm lucky if i pull off a 2 inch spin
) And i'm about 1/2 car length ahead then all of a sudden his gear is pulling and he's a 1/2 length ahead of me but he's already in second while i'm still pulling in first and the LIFT kicks in on my DOHC engine
at around 4K and tops of around 6.5k redline and I man-shift it to second and pull car on him and he floats in and out about at my bumper range in his lane trying to keep up and I shut down at 53 (in a 45 zone) and let him fly by so I can make my turn that's coming up.
Man.... i'm telling you, I do NOT win cars that often, if ever, in my car and it's just made me so thrilled that I shut it down and esp. with a guy like that driving it.
:sigh: good times, good times. 
Man.... i'm telling you, I do NOT win cars that often, if ever, in my car and it's just made me so thrilled that I shut it down and esp. with a guy like that driving it.