- Oct 26, 2000
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Misc.consumers.frugal-living. This guy and his crack team of 50 people want to win the console wars with his visionary concept.
Hi, my name is warren. Me and my business partner Zack have been working on an idea for a game console for a long time.
We came to the conclusion that people have been looking for an entertainment system that integrates with the systems that they already have, such as games to cell phones and internet to t.v.
We also figured out that people tend to think that their computer systems cannot be improved beyond buying the newest model. In effect, people have enclosed themselves in the beleif that their computers are so thoroughly designed that substantial improvement in their efficiency is now impossible.
The same is thought to be true in the world of gaming and game consoles. The xbox is held in very high esteem because it took the ideas already presented by its competitors(especially Sony) and made them better. Our ideas are completely new ideas... AND THEREIN LIES THE KEY.
Back to our original observation: people are looking for an entertainment system thet integrates with the systems that they already have.
This search has become such a part of our society that it has switched from a want, to a need.
We are representatives of EFFICIENT MEDIA CONNECTIONS INC. of Toronto, Ontario and we can fulfill this need.
Now that I have bored you with the theory behind this new development, I will tell you our idea:
It is very simple: Why don't we design a game console that will use its own state-of-the-art processor IN COMBINATION WITH the computer that you already own, and the internet to bring you the most advanced video games in the world.
This game system would load the game from a standard DVD disk into the 512Mb RAM and the 6Gig hard drive that is built into the game system; then, based on the speed of your computers processor, 30-60% of the program is loaded into the Ram on your computer. Then the computer and the console(with its 2.355 Ghz processor) work simultaneously to produce the best gaming experience known to man. There are literally two CPUs working at the same time for this experience. Not only that, if you are playing online, and the person you are playing against has a faster computer than you, the system transfers a certain amount of the program to the other computer and its console, leaving you with four CPUs networked together.
Another enormous bonus to this system is that new games will be easier to program. We will have a new way of programming that incorporates tools for experienced computer programmers (options for coding in any computer language) and Generic methods of game design. New game trials can be downloaded from your mainscreen and paid subscribers can download permanent games for their own personal use indefinately.
We have already made hundreds of blueprints and mockups and very thorough plans for this. I have almost finished with the program core software bios for the system and Zack and his team of renowned technicians have finished designing the cpu and just started the foundation architecture for the hardware bios.
And then the bottom fell out of our world.
Until about 9 months ago we have been relying on angel investors to finance this project, and then we were approached by Northstar Communications, a division of a subsidiary of Ford Motor Canada. They had been looking at the possibility of using our finished product in the new Ford Freestar. They agreed to finance our project until a prototype could be developed, at which point they would decide whether or not they would continue financing us to the project's completion. After our second monthly report to Northstar they decided that they would make the final decision on our inclusion in the Freestar right now.
At about the same time, Xbox went to Ford to ask if they could make a deal about putting Xbox in Ford's new Explorer model. Since Ford had been waiting for an Xbox deal they were immediately immersed in this. Leaving us in the dark. About a month and a half later, we received notice that Northstar was dropping our finance deal.
Since Ford had dropped financing us, our original investors became worried and half of them pulled out of their deals with us. The money from our other investors just wasn't enough to keep up with our budget and they were worried about our progress and eventually pulled theirs out too.
We do have a light at the end of our tunnel though; BCE (Bell Canada Enterprises) is very interested in considering our appeal for financing. But, and this is where we need your help, they need a finished business venture plan.
As I already said, we have been very thorough in our planning, but we still need a crucial aspect of our venture plan, THE MARKET RESEARCH.
Please help us by answering three simple questions for us:
1. Would you consider buying a console that can use your computer to run better?
2. If you were trying to compete with Xbox, what would you stress to your consumers about your game system; Lower prices, or higher quality? which would you as a consumer like to see in a game system advertisement?
3. Do you have any comments or critisims of our idea? If so, what are they?
Please send this information to expressman@hotmail.com
We appreciate this more than you will ever know. Thanks for helping us make your dreams a reality.
Hi, my name is warren. Me and my business partner Zack have been working on an idea for a game console for a long time.
We came to the conclusion that people have been looking for an entertainment system that integrates with the systems that they already have, such as games to cell phones and internet to t.v.
We also figured out that people tend to think that their computer systems cannot be improved beyond buying the newest model. In effect, people have enclosed themselves in the beleif that their computers are so thoroughly designed that substantial improvement in their efficiency is now impossible.
The same is thought to be true in the world of gaming and game consoles. The xbox is held in very high esteem because it took the ideas already presented by its competitors(especially Sony) and made them better. Our ideas are completely new ideas... AND THEREIN LIES THE KEY.
Back to our original observation: people are looking for an entertainment system thet integrates with the systems that they already have.
This search has become such a part of our society that it has switched from a want, to a need.
We are representatives of EFFICIENT MEDIA CONNECTIONS INC. of Toronto, Ontario and we can fulfill this need.
Now that I have bored you with the theory behind this new development, I will tell you our idea:
It is very simple: Why don't we design a game console that will use its own state-of-the-art processor IN COMBINATION WITH the computer that you already own, and the internet to bring you the most advanced video games in the world.
This game system would load the game from a standard DVD disk into the 512Mb RAM and the 6Gig hard drive that is built into the game system; then, based on the speed of your computers processor, 30-60% of the program is loaded into the Ram on your computer. Then the computer and the console(with its 2.355 Ghz processor) work simultaneously to produce the best gaming experience known to man. There are literally two CPUs working at the same time for this experience. Not only that, if you are playing online, and the person you are playing against has a faster computer than you, the system transfers a certain amount of the program to the other computer and its console, leaving you with four CPUs networked together.
Another enormous bonus to this system is that new games will be easier to program. We will have a new way of programming that incorporates tools for experienced computer programmers (options for coding in any computer language) and Generic methods of game design. New game trials can be downloaded from your mainscreen and paid subscribers can download permanent games for their own personal use indefinately.
We have already made hundreds of blueprints and mockups and very thorough plans for this. I have almost finished with the program core software bios for the system and Zack and his team of renowned technicians have finished designing the cpu and just started the foundation architecture for the hardware bios.
And then the bottom fell out of our world.
Until about 9 months ago we have been relying on angel investors to finance this project, and then we were approached by Northstar Communications, a division of a subsidiary of Ford Motor Canada. They had been looking at the possibility of using our finished product in the new Ford Freestar. They agreed to finance our project until a prototype could be developed, at which point they would decide whether or not they would continue financing us to the project's completion. After our second monthly report to Northstar they decided that they would make the final decision on our inclusion in the Freestar right now.
At about the same time, Xbox went to Ford to ask if they could make a deal about putting Xbox in Ford's new Explorer model. Since Ford had been waiting for an Xbox deal they were immediately immersed in this. Leaving us in the dark. About a month and a half later, we received notice that Northstar was dropping our finance deal.
Since Ford had dropped financing us, our original investors became worried and half of them pulled out of their deals with us. The money from our other investors just wasn't enough to keep up with our budget and they were worried about our progress and eventually pulled theirs out too.
We do have a light at the end of our tunnel though; BCE (Bell Canada Enterprises) is very interested in considering our appeal for financing. But, and this is where we need your help, they need a finished business venture plan.
As I already said, we have been very thorough in our planning, but we still need a crucial aspect of our venture plan, THE MARKET RESEARCH.
Please help us by answering three simple questions for us:
1. Would you consider buying a console that can use your computer to run better?
2. If you were trying to compete with Xbox, what would you stress to your consumers about your game system; Lower prices, or higher quality? which would you as a consumer like to see in a game system advertisement?
3. Do you have any comments or critisims of our idea? If so, what are they?
Please send this information to expressman@hotmail.com
We appreciate this more than you will ever know. Thanks for helping us make your dreams a reality.