after ASUS P4T ... Gigabyte P35 DS3R really terrible and unstable...


Junior Member
Jun 9, 2008
earlier ran asus p4t Mb with p4 1.7 ghz.
Had 1 gb RDram with a simple graphics card..
LOVED it. had it for 8 years.
Cud open over 30 browser windows and still listen to music, or edit photos...

had to upgrade as we all do.
Got the E6600 with the gigabyte P35 DS3R 775R ( newegg)
8800 gts card , 2 gb ram, seasonic 650w powersupply... etc

First the fan gave problems, still takes time to start..
then if i opened say 10-12 explorer windows it crashes and re-starts.
on shut down it re-starts automatically.

Anyway just sold the PC to some kids who needed a basic machine to learn on...
But have a choice of keeping the MB.

And i got myself the Q6600. no idea why have just done.... so

Now either get rid of the gigabyte, as am getting a decent price for the pc put in abit and get say the asus P5K mb...

the abit ix38 quadgt is being recommended but is almost (little less than) double the cost.... is it worth it...

I can either keep the gigabyte as i believe it runs well with the coe 2 quads but i always rated and also because of my previous mb of asus being so stable can dump the gigabyte and get asus.

i do a little photo editing, love to open tons of windows do 10 things at the same time...

Please advice...
I am not much into heavy gaming, nor do i over clock ( have never seen it being done...) But My RDram really spoilt me....
Just looking for a solid/stable MB..

Am writing from india, MBs available are... intel, Asus, MSI, Abit.


Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2002
Well I have 2 gigabyte boards and they are very stable. No problems what so ever. Let me start by saying that the Q6600 is a great chip and whatever you decide to throw at it such as your "open browser windows", it wont even flinch. As for your fan problem, which is not a problem. It does that. There is a setting in the bios just for that fan in the PC health status section and you can set it to disable if you prefer. All that does is monitor your CPu and system fans. Check it out.

As for your "crash" problem, did you reinstall windows or did you xfer your OS from Old pc to new? Give us a bit more info on how you got to this point and why?:)


Platinum Member
May 18, 2005
big abit fan though I am it doesn't sound as if you need a mobo like the IX38 QuadGT (feel free to buy it though if you want it ;) ).
So, what features do you need in a mobo (RAID, firewire etc.)?
Would integrated gfx be good enough for you?