Advise in buying a new good case


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2005
using a soyo mid case and now need atleast 8 bays case
looking at cases and budget of under 50 bucks
atleast 1 case fans preinstalled
PSU optional
8 bays
lightings optional
Don't know how they are but look good
saw fry's deal for antec for 15 bucks case was not worth it
now see compusa antec case for 50 bucks AR

looks sweet but 100 bucks upfront no PSU still out of my budget

anyne know how cases are any experience with them? Also any recommendations are welcomes also

Or any other site that sells good cases for cheap.

thank u


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
Yup, for that money the Antec 3000-B is hard to beat. You can also check out the Compucase 6A19 case if you don't like the door - it is nearly identical to the 3000-B inside. The Evercase 42x2 series is nearly as nice as those two but you will often have to order the HD cushions directly from Evercase as the resellers don't order the cases properly equipped - you can also get extra drive cages, etc. direct if needed (the drive cages/cushions can be used in other brands too - just have to drill two bolt holes). If all you need is space for more HDs, then just getting one of those cages and cushions might be worth looking into.



Junior Member
Jun 2, 2005
this was the case that was on sale in fry's for 15 bucks after 40 dollar mail in rebate. Looked flimpsy and was white in color which i don't mind. my soyo case which came free with fry's deal for 250 bucks is way better. wouldn't this be a degrade then. anways thanks.
anyone tried the cases who has them how do they work?
for 46 bucks they have very very sweet cases.

hard for me to buy them becuz i want to see it and feel that case. And the antec case i touched didn't look so good.

thanks for the help