Hey guys, I'm running a pioneer vsx521 receiver, 125 watts per channel, 6ohm, with 2 x wharfdale xarus 1000 bookshelf speakers, 20-150 watts, 6ohm, sensitivity 85db, running a yamaha 6" 70 watt sub, using only 2 channels (stereo) playing iPod music and video through it to my 50 inch plasma, been having trouble with overheating, now have been told the amp is clipping because it's underpowered, while this is no power champ it should be able to run this setup comfortably shouldn't it?? One of the speakers stopped working lastweek after I had them for 2 days, I got them both replaced and have been running them at moderate levels without playing video through the iPod and everything is fine, I want to start playing my videos again at volumes I like (fairly high) but am hesitant to do so incase I damage the speakers again or damage the amp, just wondering if this is a bad match up? Or am I doin anything wrong setup etc?? If anyone out there has the same or similar setups any advice or help would be much appreciated!! Thanks