Advice on LCD Monitors


Senior member
Sep 28, 2002
Hi...wondering if I can get some opinions on an LCD monitor I was planning to buy.

I have been shopping locally for a monitor for use in Photoshop and 3dsmax (My brother desperately needed a monitor, so I gave him my old 19" CRT since I was planning on getting an LCD over the last couple months). Ideally, I wanted a 19" LCD with 1600x1200 res, but that is not going to happen, since they do not make them. I have come down to the following choices:

Viewsonic VP191s: $650 CAD
Sony HS94PS: $429 CAD
Viewsonic VP201s: $949 CAD

A little background info: I wanted to shop locally for a monitor, so if I had any big problems with it, I could just go back to the store in person, and flog them with questions. Initially I was looking at the Sony model at a local retailer, and was impressed with the color, however, all they had was the demo model I am getting a real good deal on it. But, like many people, I am somewhat wary of buying a demo model for something as delicate as an LCD, so I decided to do some more shopping...specifically for a 19" LCD with a response < 20ms. Alas, there are very few of them available in the city of live...however, I was searching the web found a viewsonic model I can special order through one of the stores here (Viewsonic VP191s). But since it is special ordered, I have yet to be able to take a good look at it in action. However, I have seen its larger sibling, the VP201s and find it to be acceptable...albeit the price tag is a little too much at $1G.

I am trying to sort out which one is best. Any opinions?

Thanks in advance.

PS: Here is some product info...although cannot buy it from Newegg, I know some people like to have links to the products for the spec info.