Adding Second Home PC


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2000
Let me start by saying I'm not the brightest bulb when to comes to this high tech stuff that many of you take as second nature. That said, how difficult will it be to add a second computer in my home?
My present setup is a two year old Gateway, connected to the outside via a cable modem with ATT. I have a NetGear Gateway Router, RT314. My home office is located adjacent to my daughter's room, which is where the second computer will be.
Is it a simple matter of running the cable from the back of the router, through the wall, and into the new 'puter?
What about these new wireless networks I'm hearing about? Are they any good? Or are there any drawbacks with that type of setup? Sure sounds like a good way to go: no walls to drill through, no wires, etc.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
As most of things in life, its amount to Money, and speed.

For wired connection, you put a wire, you put a $10 Network card in your daughter?s computer, and you get a 100Mb/sec. (really 60-80) connection.

Wireless you get Wireless Client card ($80-$120), you connect the card to your daughter?s computer, and you get an 11 Mb/sec. (really 4-7) connection.

The Wireless connection is fast enough for Internet surfing, and casual local network exchange.

If you decide to get Wireless card.

Most Client cards are PCMCIA, which work very well with Laptops.
For Desktop, it is usually better to use USB Wireless Card. Most PCI Wireless PCI cards cost more, since they need an adapter, and with fixed antenna (stuck behind the PC) they yield inferior results versus the Flexible Antenna on a USB card.

Conventional Wisdom claims that the Orinoco Gold is the best Wireless Client Card (PCMCIA, and USB versions exist).

This links:

Orinoco Gold PCMCIA.

Orinoco Gold USB.


Junior Member
Mar 14, 2002
You should also be aware that wireless networking invites interlopers. Do a Google search under "war driving" or "free wireless". "War driving" is becoming a competitive sport.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2000
So, if I understand you guys correctly, the advantages to wireless are the ease of setting up. After that, I' looking at slower speeds and increased vulnerability to hackers.
Whereas with a standard wired cable connection, other than another wire and another hole in a sheet of plaster board, I' m better off. Does this about sum it up?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Correct for a Desktop! (you also save $60-$80, with wired).

With a Laptop Wireless provides freedom of movement, and you considered COOL (if being cool is important).


Senior member
Oct 18, 1999
Actually the price will be even higher for wireless, you only mention one wireless card. You actually need one in both machines or a wireless access point at one end. An access point is more expensive and a card.