Added AMD San Diego to my MSI, now no 1T/2T setting in Bios?


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I have tried the BIOS versions 3.7, 3.A and the MOD3A0...for all of them all settings are present (I have used the Shift F2 then alt F3 toggle) except for the 1T/2T setting under manual DRAM settings.

anyone know a BIOS workaround or am I forced to use AMDTweaker or equivalent to set this at startup?

There are BIOS versions for the MS-7125 that handle this, but that is a non-SLI board so I don't think the BIOS is compatible with my MS-7100.




No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
This is a known issue. I have a soluton though from aicjofs (popular on overclocking forums), it's version 3B of his bios.

Until MSI fixes it (they do have a BETA bios publically unavailable that may have this update), the setting 1T/2T will not appear in the BIOS, but with the 3B BIOS setting the memory subcategory to Manual will set 1T timing.

I am running my 4000+ at FX57 speed now.

Once aicjofs makes it available for everyone (I was the guinea pig), I will update this thread. His BIOS also has alot of the hidden settings available.

This applies only to MS-7100 (MSI Neo4 Platinum/Diamond SLI) motherboards, not the newer MS-7125.