Accident Advice + RANT


Platinum Member
Feb 11, 2003
CLIFFNOTES at bottom for those who don't want to read the advice.

Well, no one asked, but I'm giving it anyway so anyone who reads this, won't have to go through what I went through if ever they get into a car accident.

Lessons I learned the hard way:

If you're in an accident and its not your fault:

1. Seek medical treatment, even if you don't feel hurt. Most of the time, the pain doesn't kick in till the second or third day and it could be serious. Internal injuries or misaligned bones may not hurt right away, but can affect you in the long run. Plus, don't worry, the insurance will cover ALL the bills.

2. Seek med treatment RIGHT AWAY. The longer you wait, the less likely the insurance company will pay for your injuries.

3. Especially seek Chiropractor treatment. Doctors will give you drugs to hide the pain, but pain killers do not fix misaligned bones or torn tissues. They only hide the pain temporarily so you can sleep at night. A Chiropractor is fully licensed by the state and bills will be covered by Insurance companies 100% of the time.

4. Get a lawyer. Whether you need one or not, do not rely on the insurance companies for anything. Lawyers are free to you and can advise you on the best form of action. Get a lawyer before calling any company to file any claims. Don't worry about the 30% cut that they get out of your settlement. For example: if they settle for 20K, then letting them have 30% of that is better than you not getting anything to begin with.

5. Do not talk to the claims adjuster! NEVER EVER Talk to the claims adjuster, let your lawyer handle that. Their job is to save their company money. They will be nice to you, while at the same time, LIE to you plus try to get you to say things that will screw you out of your settlement. Anything you say will be used against you. Even if you don't sound hurt, that will be used against you. Let your lawyer talk to them. That's why you NEED a lawyer.

There's plenty more, but if you follow those steps, you won't lose. Don't follow them and you may end up like me. My case: I was in a wreck. The other driver was at fault. I was sent to the emergency room. I didn't think I needed a lawyer. I filed a claim with the other driver's insurance company. They took their time to contact me. I only saw the doctor a few times since I was very busy at work, trying to catch for the 3 days I couldn't go in because of the accident. I struggled to work on the fourth day, eventhough I should've stayed home because we had strict deadlines to meet and we couldn't afford to delay them. Anyway, I talked to the claims adjuster who tried to negotiate a deal that didn't even cover my med costs. Then I found out that my pain didn't go away, after I ran out of medication, the pain came back. I finally saw the chiropractor and the progressive treatments really helped. But because I didn't know what I was doing, the insurance company would not pay me anything, they tried to make me feel like it was my fault the whole thing happened and that I should take responsibility and cover some of the bills, etc etc. I finally got a lawyer, but it may be too late for me. He's negotiating with them, but because they already talked to me first, and got an idea of what they could get away with, they're not settling unless we agreed on a settlement that's much less than even the med costs. Now we may have to go to court. All this could've been avoided if only I'd gotten a lawyer sooner and had him negotiate with them instead of trying to go it alone.


If ever in a car accident, GET MEDICAL TREATMENT even if you feel alright. Start with a CHIROPRACTOR. You can see a doctor, but believe me, a CHIROPRACTOR is much better for accidents. Then get a LAWYER! Don't try to settle it yourself unless you're at fault. ALWAYS get a LAWYER, they're free.

Don't be a fool like me. Take my advice and just get CHIROPRACTOR treatment and a good LAWYER or you'd get screwed royally like I was (story above). EVEN if you don't think you were hurt, go see a chiropractor and avoid talking to insurance adjusters, they're crooks. :|


Platinum Member
Feb 11, 2003
Originally posted by: conjur

LOL, thanks conjur.

Here's some problems I advise not answering when the Claims adjuster asks:

1. Have you been in any previous accidents?

Do not answer yes or no, instead, respond with: Wait? Why are you asking me this? There's nothing in the question that's relevent to the current situation.

(If you say yes, then that will surely be used against you because they will probe deeper to try to get you to say anything that can be twisted to keep them from paying all your med costs.)

2. Can you sign this medical release form?
NO! do not sign the med release form. What it allow them to do is to check up on any and all your previous medical info. That will definitely be used to justify them paying you less than what you deserve.

GOD I hate insurance adjusters.