Abnormally low 3dmark2001 scores.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
Ok this is my system:

Tbird 1.2
512 DDR PC2100
Geforce4 TI4200 128 running @275/520

Ok I am getting 7000 give or take 50 everytime. Default settings. Now this seems abnormally low. Back when I had a geforce2 ultra instead I was getting 4600 points. Browsing madonions site people with my same system specs are getting mid 8000's. What's the deal? All I did was pop out the Geforce2 Ultra, and Pop in the GF4 and update the drivers.

If this has anything to do with it, at first it wasn't working cause it didn't detect DX8 or something so i went into dxdiag and turned off Direct3d then back on and it worked after that.


Jul 26, 2002
Dude don't feel bad, I am using the following:

P4 1.7ghz
Radeon VE 64mb
256 Rambus RAM
Windows ME

I got a 2500 on that?!?!?! Thats horrid!!!! I dunno what to do lol.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
Originally posted by: CelticDemolition
did you download and update the new via 4-in-1 drivers? i got several hundred points increase after that...

I have not done that yet. I forgot to mention my motherboards is a FIC AD11, i'm also running Windows XP. Anyway what drivers should I download? So many different ones to download at Via's page I have no idea what to get :confused:
Jan 19, 2002
cuda1447, is your card fully dx8 compatible? im (pretty) sure that the only radeons that are compatible are the 8500 series and up. if its not compatible then it takes a BIG TIME performance hit in 3dmark2001.

alienwho, im too lazy to check this myself :)D)... what chipset is on your fic board?

i get mid 8000s myself at stock speeds on my system...


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2001
CelticDemolition - AMD 761 chipset

Also thanks for the 4in1 info, I did that and I jumped up to 8000 allready :) Also at gainwards download site they have this download for a BIOS flash and I Downloaded it but they have absolutely no instructions and I don't want to screw anything up. The zip contains CWSDPMI.exe, Flash.bat, G4TIAA00.ROM and nvflash.exe.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Dude don't feel bad, I am using the following:

P4 1.7ghz
Radeon VE 64mb
256 Rambus RAM
Windows ME

I got a 2500 on that?!?!?! Thats horrid!!!! I dunno what to do lol.
Get rid of that Radeon VE, it's killing your score.



Jul 26, 2002
Yah I know it is, Im building myself a new rig, and giving this one to my little sister I think. Just if I wanted to be nice whats a good CHEAP video card that will allow me to raise the scores to a decent level?


Mar 30, 2002
Yeah, I think my video card has to go also :eek:

P4 2.5GHz
1.25GB PC800 ECC
Radeon LE
3DMark2001SE = 3200

Which of these doesn't belong??? hmmm....


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Well, I?ve pretty much given up on 3Dmark! I?ve been browsing the 3Dmark website looking at people with a similar setup as my system. Most of them are scoring 10k+, and many with slower systems are scoring even higher.

I get exactly 7551 w/ P4 2.26GHz, Gainward Ti4200 (270/540), RAID0, PC3000 (@ DDR355). :(

However, in games I get 100+ FPS pretty much throughout the entire game, like Q3. I get 100+ (sometimes 200+) @ 1600x1200. It never drops below 100FPS. Same thing with CS, it?s stuck at 100fps throughout the whole game, even in the most intense fighting action it?s continuously at 100fps. UT is also ultra smooth as silk, same with MCM2 @ 1280x960.

So I?ve come to the conclusion that it is 3Dmark. I?m not sure what, but it must not agree with some thing in my system.


Platinum Member
Dec 13, 1999
N0X, I have the same CPU and Video card as you. I use the latest detonators and scored 11,730.
Here my system info copied from 3dmark
System Info Version: 2.2
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Processor: Intel Pentium® 4 @ 2.27 GHz
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
Total Physical Memory: 256 MB
Free Physical Memory: 92.04 MB
Motherboard Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Motherboard Model: 8IHXP

I guess the only difference is that I have PC1066 RDRAM, and I did overclock my video card a little (280/580) but it only added like 40 points. I also have an IBM 60GB thats on its deathbed. Really loud crunching sounds.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: PhaZe
N0X, I have the same CPU and Video card as you. I use the latest detonators and scored 11,730.
Here my system info copied from 3dmark
System Info Version: 2.2
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Processor: Intel Pentium® 4 @ 2.27 GHz
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
Total Physical Memory: 256 MB
Free Physical Memory: 92.04 MB
Motherboard Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Motherboard Model: 8IHXP

I guess the only difference is that I have PC1066 RDRAM, and I did overclock my video card a little (280/580) but it only added like 40 points. I also have an IBM 60GB thats on its deathbed. Really loud crunching sounds.

Yeah, pretty much the only thing would be that I have DDR366 and you have PC1066. Though I have 512MB, and free memory is 326MB.

When I first ran 3Dmark, I assumed there was no way I would get anything less then 9000. Boy how wrong I was. One thing I do know is if you look at my Vertex Shader scores. I got a higher score with my Ti500! Now I only get like 10.2FPS!!! :| I?m not sure what?s going on there?

You can check it out here.

If you look here, should be getting 10,000! :|

For those how can't see that page:

10694 141% NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
10527 139% NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400
10164 134% NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
8990 119% NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 500
8959 118% ATI Radeon 8500
8180 108% NVIDIA GeForce3
7796 103% NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200
7564 100% NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 :|
5957 79% NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440
5306 70% ATI Radeon 7500
4393 58% NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS/Pro/Ti
2917 39% NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
1580 21% Intel i830


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
Well it looks as if I found out why I was getting such low scores like Alienwho. I updated my motherboard drivers (Intel 845 chipset) and now I score a "10727"! Woohoo! I was using the drivers which came with Win2k. Btw I'm running SP3.


Mar 22, 2002
There are a few things you can do that will boost your 3dmark 2001 score (in order of impact):

1. Install latest Nvidia Detonator 30.82 driver.
2. Install the AMD mini-port driver (for the AMD761 northbridge).
3. Install the Via 4-In-1 4.41 (for the VIA686B southbridge), but not the AGP portion of the driver.
4. Ensure that no unnecessary programs are running (I leave only my firewall and anti-virus programs running - many people disable all programs).
5. Scour the registry (RUN-> regedit) in HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run for any unnecessary programs (this is dangerous and may be too advanced, if so, consult one of the many guides on the Internet).
6. Disable any unnecessary services (this is dangerous and may be too advanced, if so, consult one of the many guides on the Internet).
7. Run 3DMark2001 after a restart.