Okay, here goes. I built a new rig 2 weeks ago. Had trouble getting it up and running, but finally got it going fine. Abit NF7-S, 512 MB PC2100 Crucial, ATI 64 MB DDR VIVO, 40 GB Maxtor 7200 and new Antec TruPower 430 PSU. Ran 24/7 with SETI@home smooth as silk. This A.M. I decided to add the new CD-RW drive and add new cables and clean up the wiring to improve airflow. Did this , but on power up nothing. The chipset cooler on the MB would spin about 1/3 turn and nothing. I could unplug the power from the PSU and replug it and the fan would do another 1/3. Tried everything. Finally swapped PSU, cleared the CMOS and rebooted. It booted up Win XP. Now however it will not restart. I have to remove the battery, clear the CMOS, unplug power and ATX connector to reboot. Upon posting the Memory/IDE Detection screen does not come up. No way to change BIOS. Tried it all. HELP??????