<<ya, i think the Abit KT7 is just as good. I see everybody talkin about how the MSI is more stable than the Abit, but i'm not sure how they come to this conclusion. Anand has said the K7T Pro series boards are the most stable, but i seriously doubt the Abit KT7 is noticably less stable in a real-world environment. >>
First, the MSI never crashed during their 24 hr test, the Abit crashed 3 times. Second, Anandtech use MSI K7T Pro on 4 of their web servers. Thats enough to show how confident Anandtech is in MSI's reliability and stability.
<<Bill from said he has seen a few KT7 Pro2 boards that were unable to change the multiplier in the BIOS. He said this was out of more than 100 boards though.>>
I'd like to know the specifics. If you ask Bill whether you should get MSI or Abit, I guarrantee you he'll say MSI. He's one of the Abit opponents, but he says his company has to sell them because of high demand.
<<How do you support claims such as MSI is better on quality parts, lower RMA rate, and better BIOS support? I would really like to know.>>
People who analyze motherboard parts, who builds solutions for tens of thousands of individuals and corporates, technicians who work extensively with different brands of motherboards. All came to the same conclusion that MicroStar makes better motherboard than Abit. Why would they bullshit?
I want to make it clear that Im not trying to put down the Abit KT7-RAID, after all its still the second best KT133 board.