ABIT IT7-MAX2 & Serial ATA & Soundblaster Audigy?


Junior Member
Dec 13, 2003
I just added a WD 36GB Raptor Serial ATA drive to my machine: an ABIT IT7-MAX2 mobo with 1GB RAM, P4 2.53GHz

Sometimes, however, the system hangs momentarily, and this god aweful screeching comes out of my speakers from my SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Platinum card. This is especially previlent if I'm streaming audio with winamp (www.rushradio.org) and doing ANYTHING else. It goes away after a few seconds, but I usually have to quit streaming the audio... Playing MP3's located on one of my other WD drives seems to work fine... I'm doing it now, and running eMule and Newsbin Pro in the background as I write this... no trouble.

Any ideas?



Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2002
Originally posted by: kenhigginson
I just added a WD 36GB Raptor Serial ATA drive to my machine: an ABIT IT7-MAX2 mobo with 1GB RAM, P4 2.53GHz

Sometimes, however, the system hangs momentarily, and this god aweful screeching comes out of my speakers from my SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Platinum card. This is especially previlent if I'm streaming audio with winamp (www.rushradio.org) and doing ANYTHING else. It goes away after a few seconds, but I usually have to quit streaming the audio... Playing MP3's located on one of my other WD drives seems to work fine... I'm doing it now, and running eMule and Newsbin Pro in the background as I write this... no trouble.

Any ideas?

Would that be eMule, the file sharing client that allows you to distribute and download illegal Software, mp3's, and videos?


Junior Member
Dec 13, 2003
is that what it does? Wow... I had no idea. I'll stop using it right away.

Thanks for your help, DannyBoy... very worthwhile.