I recently put on a zalman passive heatsink to replace my SCREACHING 5600rpm NB fan.
THe hardest part is getting the old one off.... Run your machine hard through some gaming or something to get it as hot as it's gonna get.... Then quickly knock it on it's side, unplug the NB fan, and pull the clips through the little hoops (this part is kinda hard, CPU cooler gets in the way.) Then have your acetone free nail polish ready, because Abit chose to put gum on the northbridge for some reason. I scrubbed and soaked mine for about 15 minutes, after an embarrassing trip to walgreens "You want nailpolish remover?"
Anyways, then clean off the nail polish remover w/ some rubbing alchohol, apply your thermal paste\cream\substance of choice, and slap on that new hsf. I decided not to go w/ the Abit replacement, since so many people had problems with it leaving the clips, and smashing their $400 video cards.
I epoxied my Zalman onto the northbridge. Plus it's silent! And it only cost $5! It doesn't even get warm.
If you want a lot more to read, head over to the
abit socket 478 forums