A8N-SLI extra floppy and extra ide controller


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005

Well I finally got my system up and running well, and fixed every little minor driver issue except two. In the device manager, Windows XP still sees two floppy drives but I have disabled the extra floppy. Also, device manager shows 3 IDE controllers with 3 primary IDE channels and 3 secondary IDE channels when there should really only be 1 of each. Due to an earlier corrupted disk on my first boot and some forum recommendations, I did not load any NVIDIA ide drivers yet.

So I have these questions for you guys:

1) How many of you are running Windows XP from an IDE drive and have successfully installed the nvidia ide drivers? How many won't go near the nvidia IDE drivers?

2) Does everyone have this extra floppy drive in device manager or is it just my motherboard?

3) Does anyone else have multiple IDE controllers and multiple primary and secondary IDE channels when there should only be one of each?

Here is my system:
A8N-SLI Deluxe
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 90mm
Enermax EG495P-VE
512MB Muskin PC3200 RAM
Windows XP SP2

Any input will be appreciated,

el burninator dapeoples

Junior Member
Jan 16, 2005
1. i actually had the nvidia ide controller installed and working properly, however i just rma'd my motherboard so i cant be sure of anything anymore. hoping it was the problem after a long string of corrections, i uninstalled the controller and let windows pick up the generic, but that didnt help my particular problem either. the common census is that they are more trouble than they are worth until a new solid bios comes out, but try your luck... what do you have to lose except your patience?

2. i actually didnt have any floppy installed, but device manager seemed to disagree with that.

3. i hadnt gotten far enough with the setup to work with 2 drives.


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2005
Thanks el burninator dapeoples!

Anyone else having extra floppy drives or extra IDE controllers in Windows XP device manager?