A7N8X-DLX problem..hanging on boot screen


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
I put my new 2500+ chip in and 512mb stick of hyperx pc3200(in the first slot) and a 9600 pro in the mobo and I get to the asus screen where it says hit tab for post or hit alt+f2 for awdflash. I hit tab and delete and everything else and it does nothing. My keyboard lights come on when I first boot it and I get the single beep which makes me believe it posted fine...but the keyboard doesnt respond after that. Have you heard of this or know anything about it? I have cleared the cmos also and the keyboard just seems to not respond. thanks

I also have 2 hd's and a dvd rom connected. 1 IBM(master) and 1 Maxtor that were set up in my other system.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 1999
Strip it down to the bare necessities and see if it boots.

What PS are you using ? Not a cheap no name I hope.


Senior member
Oct 8, 2003
You have to be pretty quick on the trigger to get into bios setup. It seems like there is only a window of a half second.

Does the HD still have the operating system from your old system? Can you boot from a floppy or CD?

Have you disabled SATA? There is a jumper on the board for this. It speeds boot time if you don't have SATA drives.


Senior member
Nov 20, 2000
I have this mobo and basically the same problem. I have prety much the same setup as you too. I have been able to get to the bios by quickly hitting the delete key as soon as you see the asus bootscreen. This is a known problem, (asus cold boot lock) as I have read about it on other forums. Once you get into the bios and set the parameters you want then save and exit. when you do the warm reboot, ie without powering down, then it should boot all the way into the OS.