Wow, where'd you find one of those for sale?
ND40oz, there are a number of regular ATX sized boards using Nforce4 chipset. You looking for mATX and PCI-E in particular?
When clocked at the same speed, the S939 will outperform the S754 at everything, but when at stock speeds, the S754 is going to be faster most of the time... The typical non-overclocker (as the OP said he was) also is someone who tends to not upgrade for a while... At least to me. S939 and S754 both have advantages. Bang for the buck is a particular advantage of S754. S939 has better expandability, but I've been overclocking and upgrading for over 10 years and I have replaced a better CPU in the same motherboard once myself and once for a friend... Concillian
It depends on each individual application and whether the dual-channel memory is a benefit (as to which is faster). Regardless, even if a higher clocked S754 is faster by a couple of percentage points, who cares?! It's a dead platform with no upgradability whatsoever... Differences of opinion is all that Zap asked for when creating this thread, and he's obviously gotten that from the two of us... a 3400+ S754! Starman
Not everyone OC's and not everyone SHOULD OC... Ram upgrades are not a concern on socket 754 any more than they are for the 939 platform. Once AMD uses DDR-2, all this first gen DDR will be useless...I am not sure why you are so stuck on 939 being the best way to go for the bang for the buck crowd... a good path, if you want to OC and migrate to PCIe, certainly, but the ONLY path, definitely not. Personally, I have never upgraded CPU without changing motherboards too, and I don't expect that to change any time soon. None of the people that I have sold computers too and non of my PC lovin' pals do either, but that is just my experience.blkgrffn
I bought a 2800+, and I got a 3500+; that's over $150 USD saving, no? And its Prime95 24hrs stable, so... I think its worth it... Aenslead
Thank you for the comments, guys. Lemme reply to some of these and add some comments...
I say the OEM 3400+ is a good buy for those Joe Sixpacks (with apologies to looking for a fast system for these reasons:
- True clock speed of 2.4GHz makes for a fast A64.
- $175 for the OEM chip at various vendors including Newegg.
- Not a good idea to overclock a Joe Sixpack machine, so .09 cores are not as important.
- Most Joe Sixpacks do NOT upgrade their systems for many years... by then even socket 939 will be obsolete so lack of upgrade path is not a reason to avoid this chip.
- The 3% performance loss (number pulled from any available orifice) from not being dual channel more than made up for by price difference between this chip and any socket 939 chip that runs 2.4GHz true speed.
- Various motherboards are available for any need, mATX, integrated video, AGP, PCI-E.
- Socket 754 motherboards seem cheaper than socket 939 variants.
- Just toss in a budget 1GB module instead of a pair of 512MB sticks.
Here's a scenario... a friend comes to you asking for help upgrading his/her computer. This friend is on a budget (aren't we all) and only
major upgrades once every 3-4 years with minor upgrades in-between. So, what is this 3-4 year old computer patient like? Perhaps P4 on an 845D chipset board or AXP Palamino on KT266A board with slow DDR, perhaps Radeon 8500LE or Geforce3 Ti200 video with a decent power supply and adequate disk drives in an ATX case. This friend needs to keep his upgrade under $300 (his tax refund?) after tax and/or shipping. His/her goals are to have an overall faster machine with some minor upgradability. What do you do? Here's what I would do... 3400+ $175, MSI Nforce4 board with "fake AGP" slot $85, HSF $20, few bucks left over for tax/shipping. This friend would have a CPU that will last another 3-4 years for modest computer needs while re-using all other parts (case/power/drives/RAM/video). Want to upgrade video and RAM with the company bonus check at end of the year? 1GB PC3200 modules are easily under $100 now and may be cheaper then, and switch from AGP to PCI-E video on same board. a 3400+ S754! Starman
Yes, I did just that today. Not for myself - I already have a 2800+ that runs great at 2.5GHz and will POST at 2.7GHz (who knows about in-between since I haven't messed with it much more). These "AX" Newcastles are pretty decent clockers. My $119 CPU gives those Winchester/Venice chips a run for the money on a $70 Epox board. Back to the CPU I ordered (from Newegg), the chip is for a friend who wanted to upgrade a mATX system that uses a KM800 chipset mATX board in a mATX case. For just under $200 shipped he's getting a nice upgrade. He has a 6800GT video card and 4 hard drives. Other upgrades I'm doing to his system include adding 3 more hard drives and putting a more powerful power supply in (36A on +12v). There will be 2 hard drives bolted to bottom of case and two bolted to side panel. Total of 7 hard drives, 2x160GB SATA, 2x300GB SATA, 3x200GB EIDE. I'll take pics when I'm done and post them here (sometime next week, waiting for parts). It will be the most insane mATX system in a plain looking 17"x14"x7" case.