A True Profile in Courage


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
The French Nun known as the "Angel of Dieppe" dies at age 103. Hers was a life lived with integrity and quiet courage.

This is what courage and integrity looks like:

Many of the Canadian soldiers greeted Sister Agnes in French, angering the German captors. When she was ordered to treat wounded Germans first, she defiantly refused, saying it was her duty to minister to all.

“She is known for standing up to the German soldiers,” Hardy Wheeler, a retired Canadian army officer, told Canada’s National Post newspaper. “They held a gun up to her to treat the German injured first, but she just looked at everyone as equal — regardless of rank, regardless of nation, regardless of who or what you are.”

Some Canadian soldiers recalled that a German was about to execute a wounded comrade when Sister Agnes stepped between them, saying the bullet would have to pass through her first.