A thread that is about killing the President


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
This post is of questionable taste

if you knew of a plot to kill Bush...

Indeed, i believe it comes as close to the line as it can in advocating the murder of the President, which I'm pretty sure is not legal.

As a counterpoint, and to raise issues of morality, i posted another thread, titled exactly the same, except for substituting a Democrat's name for Bush. I clearly stated my moral objections with the original post, and asked for responses (to the morality of the first post.

I feel that t would have been more appropriate to lock the other thread, or both, rather than to lock mine (which explores the moral aspects of "allowing" an assasination to occur). Alternatively, locking both threads with a comment that such topics are inappropriate would have seemed better reasoned.

As it is, the moderator essentially is stating that the discussion of the assasination of a poiltical figure, will be limited only to Pres. Bush.....

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

I do not see anybody advocating his assasination so I see nothing wrong with the thread.

Anandtech Senior Moderator

Red Dawn