A teenagers place to vent.


Senior member
Feb 22, 2002
Hey guys. Well, it's been a long day/year/whatever, and I kinda wanted to just get some stuff outta my head so here it goes.

Well, I'm not totally sure how to start. I suppose I am posting this just as a way to get some advice or something. Since I don't know exactly how to begin, I'm gonna tell you about my school backround and personality.

I think that I'm a good kid. Right now i'm 15 years old and get good grades. My mom thinks I don't try hard enough. I got a 3.7 last year as a freshman. My older sister is 17 and I am constantly getting compared with her. My mom is always telling me that "my sister always talks with her," so I should too. But, I can't stand talking to my mom about anything. I'm not one that will bend the truth to make myself look better. My sister has drank and smoked pot. I'm not against it at all, but meanwhile, while I may be the only kid in my grade that hasn't, my mom thinks I'm the rebel kid purely because I don't talk with her. Any of you who have had/have older siblings I hope you understand. While at the dinner table and everyone is done eating. My older sister will begin to tell the family how she got "the best grade in the whole class on her AP phych test." She is always calling her classes by their FULL names. It can become quite annoying. Immidiatly after she begins bending the truth and making herself look good I leave the table. I can't stand it.

I am also a funny guy, constantly making people laugh. I find it much easier to be witty around people that I feel I am better than. I don't konw how to explain it, other than that if I feel intimidating, I'm much more comfortable. Moving onto my school.

I had been going to a small private school since I was in K-5. There was maybe 30 kids in my class and I was as you could say, "popular." I've never been a mean kid, and I like to think that i treat people as nice as they are to me. If there was a new kid in class, I'd show them around and generally help them feel at home. I'll get along with most anyone. I like to think that I would only be mean towards someone if he/she had been exceptionally negative or w/e to myself which led to several in class suspentions from school. While I got along with everyone at my school, I never had a real good friend that I did stuff with all the time. My best friend was almost my equivalent in everything except school (grades.) We were always competing to be the best, meanwhile getting along great. I've always been very competitive and hate losing. Even with our great friendship, I had been to his house maybe 3 times in my whole eight years in going to the school. He always said that his house is boring. I dunno. I had a great friend in middleschool that was a girl named Lee. I'd call her almost every night and tell her almost everything. It was very nice. We could talk about anything and had the most fun together. Her only problem was, was that she could sometimes change her personality to fit the group she was with. It seemed as though she would talk badly about her friends in attempt to get with other people. This was something that I never liked. Another thing is that she always got her way. For all her faults I still loved her as a friend because I could tell her anything I wanted, and she would truely listen.

On to highschool. Going from a small private catholic school to a large public school seemed to be an easy change for me at first. I new many of the more popular guys from football, as I had played youth football with them in 8th grade. My friends invited me to their houses and sleepovers more than I had ever done in my years at private school. It seemed to be going well. I think that I could have done fine if not for a certain guy. He was the big shot in our group, and never seemed to get along with me. Constantly calling me names and stuff. I never seemed to mind and continued to get IN with the group once and for all. I persisted for quite a while almost into the end of freshman year. Through freshman year I still had not found someone I could truely talk to on a regular basis as my friend Lee in middleschool. I always knew that talking to someone was very important for me, and not being able too was harmful. (This led to me needing to write this post.)

After a while I began to realize that I indeed, needed to find a new group to hang out with that I could be myself in. The guys that I now began hanging out with where not the typical jocks that my old friends where. While they all played sports and such, they where much more rugged and relaxed than my former friends. It was going great, I could be myself more. They began to invite me to parties and the usual. This to was going good, but it quickly seemed to die. We still hang out on a regular basis, but that is usually purely at my rich friends house were we all play halo. It seems as though I'm only there to be another body to play halo. Keep in mind, they aren't geeks, they all play sports, go drink occasionally on the weekends, and mess around with girls.

Right now my best friend is this guy that doesn't play football and doesn't worry about girls too much. He's just a great guy and we get along great. We play madden quite frequently, go on bikerides to CompUSA in which we test all the video games. This friendship begane near the end of summer. Right now i can usually count on doing something with him whenever I want to, but it seems as tho if one of his more popular friends occasionally want to do something with him, he'd pick them over me in a heartbeat. Right now I can't be complaining, because all my friends have known each other all the way through middleschool and before, one of my disadvantages you may say.

I now want to talk about the women in my life ;) Well, I can say that I've only truley like two girls my whole life. One in middleschool who was great. She, in my mind was the perfect girlfriend at the time. Our families had similar lifestyles. She was pretty, funny, and extremely nice. One of my weaknesses with girls is that I become very shy when I'm around the girl that I think is right for me. I could hardley hold a conversation in person. In the 7th grade, my best friend began dating the girl I thought was perfect for me. I was devestated. In my mind he had beat me. They had been going out until recently, a very long time, and I to this day still think we would go together just perfectly. I know I shouldn't have, but I felt good when i heard of the breakup. On too the second and last girl I felt could be perfect for me. A weird coincidence of her is that we had piano lessons for 4 years when we where about 5, and that one of my jock friends had gone out with her. This girl has got it all. She is absolutly beautiful, she is very funny, one of the nicest girls I know, and she is musical, which is great in my mind because, I am in choir, have played piano since I was 5, and am in the school band. I think that her being musical and playing the piano may be one of her best assets. I believe that I have liked her ever since I met her. Its just this weird thing of mine. If i find a girl that is perfect in my mind, she will be the only one I truley like. I feel this need to get into a very stable and long lasting relationship, one of the reasons I have only like two girls my whole life. Many would say love, but I feel that I have never loved anyone in my life, but that these two girls may be the only girls I know that I could be capable of loving. You can say that I'm very orthodox. I have never done anything with any girls. I've only had several girlfriends, but they where short relationships that went nowhere.

Last year December I asked Leanna, the most recent girl, to winter formal. One of the two formal dances for under class-men. She agreed and I hoped that would instigate the long relationship I needed. I say needed because I feel that having someone care about me and always being able to count on is very important. None of my friends have long meaningful relationships, and I don't know how to explain that I feel the need to have one. Its just that I think that having someone there all the time would be great. I dunno...

After we planned to go to winter formal together, the dance was canceled and turned into a regular mixer as a result of near no tickets being sold. This was a mojor blow. As you all know, I've been shy with girls, so I had never been able to get onto a higher relationship with leanna. I called her once and that was about plans about winter formal, which failed horribly. I feel that I need a reason to be calling someone, and can't just call to talk the first time. I tried to forget about her. As sophomore year began, the biggest dance of the year crept up...homecoming. Again I gathered up the courage to ask the girl of my dreams. Then, no less than two days ago I did. After I asked her she told me that someone had already asked her and she planned to go with her friends. We hugged and went to our next classes, in opposite directions. One of my friends from band is good friends with this girl, and told me that she had wanted to go with me, but as she had already told a guy that she was going with her friends, couldn't agree to go with me. This is just one example of how nice this girl is and only makes me like her more. We are slowly creeping up to present time in my "story." Right now, its 12:33 AM on Sunday the 21st and I have been talking to the girl. It was her birthday yesterday the 20th. I made sure to tell her happy birthday and strived to make meaningful conversation. As of now, I'm pretty sure she has no feelings for me other than we are Ok friends. We've never done anything together, and have no classes together.

I guess this post was just a way of sharing my feelings to others. I don't care if you read it or not. You may now think that I'm a strange guy who is desparate with girls as the beef of the post was about the only two girls I ever felt for. The reason it may have consisted of this is because of my poor friendships with any guys and that I think I would be able to just stop trying so hard to get friends and changing my personality if I could only be with someone that feels good about me.

Feel free to reply, flame me, or tell any of your stories.

If anyone has any questions for me, ask away. This wasn't the most organized post.


Apr 12, 2001
cliff notes stat!

i read through most of it, and all i can say is, chill out. you're getting good grades, so i wouldn't be too worried. just wait till you get to college. you'll get the freedom from your parents that it looks like you need desparately, and you wont have an older sister bugging you all the time. just try and tough it out, and keep on truckin.


Oct 20, 2002

I'm sorry I got to your football friends part then my head hit the keyboard


Senior member
Feb 22, 2002
Thanx for the reply. I can tell that you must have spent a lot of thought on it. I spent a good amount of time on this post.

I don't konw how to summarize this post as it contains many things I simply cannot explain.

Don't bother reading it if you don't care.


Oct 10, 1999
I can seriously and I mean seriously say ONE thing. Being a teenager is NOTHING. You are dealing with NOTHING. It may SEEM like you have a sh!t life or a lot to go through, but it is NOTHING. That I can promise you. Wait until you are an adult and you will see how bad life blows. Keep in mind that I was a teenager not too long ago. You are dealing with NOTHING. Enjoy it while you can.


Senior member
Feb 22, 2002
i never expected to have a long relationship.

I know many people that have been "going out" for years that are my age.

Currently my sister is 17 and has had her boyfriend for 2 years. I know that I am young at this forum, but I wish that you would treat this as if I was older. I may sound young in your eyes, but I am probably more mature than some adults.


May 30, 2002
Originally posted by: Millennium
I can seriously and I mean seriously say ONE thing. Being a teenager is NOTHING. You are dealing with NOTHING. It may SEEM like you have a sh!t life or a lot to go through, but it is NOTHING. That I can promise you. Wait until you are an adult and you will see how bad life blows. Keep in mind that I was a teenager not too long ago. You are dealing with NOTHING. Enjoy it while you can.

^Believe that.


Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by: Millennium
I can seriously and I mean seriously say ONE thing. Being a teenager is NOTHING. You are dealing with NOTHING. It may SEEM like you have a sh!t life or a lot to go through, but it is NOTHING. That I can promise you. Wait until you are an adult and you will see how bad life blows. Keep in mind that I was a teenager not too long ago. You are dealing with NOTHING. Enjoy it while you can.

I tend to agree with this statement. You've experienced nothing until you have to start supporting yourself and solve your own problems.


Oct 1, 2001
I think I know you better now than your mom does. :p

Anyway... stop worrying... don't seem to have any problems so just keep doing what you're doing.


Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Millennium
I can seriously and I mean seriously say ONE thing. Being a teenager is NOTHING. You are dealing with NOTHING. It may SEEM like you have a sh!t life or a lot to go through, but it is NOTHING. That I can promise you. Wait until you are an adult and you will see how bad life blows. Keep in mind that I was a teenager not too long ago. You are dealing with NOTHING. Enjoy it while you can.

That's what I was thinking when my head was on my keyboard


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2003
Keep in mind, they aren't geeks, they all play sports, go drink occasionally on the weekends, and mess around with girls.

Yeah that's great, vent on ATOT and insult the geeks at the same time.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
I managed to read it all. :p

Not much to say buddy. Ah, the teenage years. I remember not to long ago I felt like that. =P Comes with the time.


Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by: CedarTeeth135
I hope that you're wrong about being a teenager. I can't stand the cliques at highschool.

1. Sawed off shotgun: $100.00 from your local gangster
2. Trenchcoat: $22.95 from your local walmart
3. Shotgun shell $5.00 from your local squirrel hunter

Shooting up the cliques at your school: Priceless
Aug 14, 2001
Reading this thread has made me feel old and I'm not even that old.

Sometimes I feel weird that I post messages up on a forum that 15 year olds visit. ;)

Anyways, I agree with Millennium. And TommyVercetti.


Senior member
Feb 22, 2002
"Yeah that's great, vent on ATOT and insult the geeks at the same time."

haha, that mad me laugh. I just didn't want it to seem like all these guys did was sit around and play halo.

Most people who know me consider me a geek and most of the time I try to take it as a compliment. I built my own computer when I was 13, so don't go thinking I don't love you guys.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: DaWhim
cliffnote needed, seriously. it will take me 10mins+ to read all that

ever read catcher in the rye? this guy is the second coming of Holden Caulfield


Jan 4, 2001
1. Tetsuo's yuhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj post may have been the funniest thing i've read in my life.
2. I agree 1000% with what Millenium said. I was going to say something to that effect but he said it first.
3. At the same time though, I remember being a teenager and i remember how tough it was. Just chill out, relax and have fun. I had a MISERABLE time as a teenager and from what little I read of your post above you have it a LOT better than a lot of the other disaffected, unhappy, lonely and misanthropic teenagers out there.