I have a sad story to report and am calling on members of this community to help with a project I am going to undertake.
A good friend is in what is most likely the final battle with stage 4 Ovarian cancer. She has fought it with an amazing tenacity for five years, she is a children's author and single mother to an 11 year old boy. Despite being a respected author, money is often tight for them. My goal is to raise enough money or get people to donate gear, to build her son (a budding computer enthusiast) a solid gaming/video edit rig - enlisting his help in the building process - he loves to tinker. I think it is the best thing I can do to help distract the boy from what will probably be one of the most painful and traumatic times in his life.
For those that need the details, her name is Fran and she was diagnosed five years ago with stage IV
Ovarian Cancer.
She has been off and on chemo for all five years and as everyone knows, chemo ain't no freakin fun! A few months ago her CA125, the marker for ovarian, started to go up and chemo wasn't having any effect. Because it has happened before and beacuse Fran has a will to live that most people can only dream about, nobody thought it was a big deal. Well turns out it was, tumors started growing all over her body, and she hasn't been able to keep food down for weeks because of the pressure the tumors put on her GI tract. What happens then - obviously massive weight loss. On Monday they operated to clear her lower GI tract and it turns out her abdomen was full of cancer. She isn't even on chemo anymore... Need I say more?
I still haven't heard from the Mods on this and so this post hasn't been turned into an 'Alert Topic', but I will keep at it. Again I am appealing to people to give some money or some components. I think everyone can imagine how important a diversion this will be for her son over the next few weeks. In the meantime please PM me with questions or offers.
EDIT - I understand that it will take some time for the legitimacy of this appeal to be established and for those who are tempted to help out to pull the trigger. I would bankroll the whole deal if I could, as it is I can offer some money, some components (160gb hdd and XP Pro) and my time with her son. Believe me, by doing this I am committing to a personal relationship with a kid who is about to watch his mom die at age 11, he is an only child and lives with her, AKA they spend ALOT of time together and are VERY close. Try and get your head around that.
Finally to all the wise-a$$es who feel tempted to reply and a few already have, please save it.
One more thing - might be important for some. This is very significant to me not only because it is a friend of mine, but because I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease two years ago and had to do chemo and radiation treatment all at the ripe old age of 36.
List of components so far (looks like it is an AMD platform):
grooveman gave a XP2500+
We have no reason to believe this request is not honest and legitimate. This thread is locked with regret because we have a general policy of not allowing donation requests.
Unfortunately, we have had fraudulant donation requests in the past. Our moderators are a small group of volunteers, and on forums as large as AT, it is impossible for us to verify every such request.
We respect your efforts, and we wish the very best for your friend.
AnandTech Moderator
A good friend is in what is most likely the final battle with stage 4 Ovarian cancer. She has fought it with an amazing tenacity for five years, she is a children's author and single mother to an 11 year old boy. Despite being a respected author, money is often tight for them. My goal is to raise enough money or get people to donate gear, to build her son (a budding computer enthusiast) a solid gaming/video edit rig - enlisting his help in the building process - he loves to tinker. I think it is the best thing I can do to help distract the boy from what will probably be one of the most painful and traumatic times in his life.
For those that need the details, her name is Fran and she was diagnosed five years ago with stage IV
Ovarian Cancer.
She has been off and on chemo for all five years and as everyone knows, chemo ain't no freakin fun! A few months ago her CA125, the marker for ovarian, started to go up and chemo wasn't having any effect. Because it has happened before and beacuse Fran has a will to live that most people can only dream about, nobody thought it was a big deal. Well turns out it was, tumors started growing all over her body, and she hasn't been able to keep food down for weeks because of the pressure the tumors put on her GI tract. What happens then - obviously massive weight loss. On Monday they operated to clear her lower GI tract and it turns out her abdomen was full of cancer. She isn't even on chemo anymore... Need I say more?
I still haven't heard from the Mods on this and so this post hasn't been turned into an 'Alert Topic', but I will keep at it. Again I am appealing to people to give some money or some components. I think everyone can imagine how important a diversion this will be for her son over the next few weeks. In the meantime please PM me with questions or offers.
EDIT - I understand that it will take some time for the legitimacy of this appeal to be established and for those who are tempted to help out to pull the trigger. I would bankroll the whole deal if I could, as it is I can offer some money, some components (160gb hdd and XP Pro) and my time with her son. Believe me, by doing this I am committing to a personal relationship with a kid who is about to watch his mom die at age 11, he is an only child and lives with her, AKA they spend ALOT of time together and are VERY close. Try and get your head around that.
Finally to all the wise-a$$es who feel tempted to reply and a few already have, please save it.
One more thing - might be important for some. This is very significant to me not only because it is a friend of mine, but because I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease two years ago and had to do chemo and radiation treatment all at the ripe old age of 36.
List of components so far (looks like it is an AMD platform):
grooveman gave a XP2500+
We have no reason to believe this request is not honest and legitimate. This thread is locked with regret because we have a general policy of not allowing donation requests.
Unfortunately, we have had fraudulant donation requests in the past. Our moderators are a small group of volunteers, and on forums as large as AT, it is impossible for us to verify every such request.
We respect your efforts, and we wish the very best for your friend.
AnandTech Moderator