A rant you've al heard before

Monkey muppet

Golden Member
Sep 28, 2004
As the title states I'm not quite sure where to be directing this: The Manufactures, the retailers or the delivery merchants:

I am fed up to the back teeth of having to go out of my way, loose my time, effort, energy and sometimes money in dealing with these incompetent bar-stewards.

How difficult can it really be to package and/or handle a product so it arrives in my hands in less than fifteen f'ing pieces?

Prime example would be a DivX player from Amazon: The player was placed in the manufactures box with just to pieces of cardboard with no polystyrene or bubble wrap to protect the sides. Amazon placed this box in a waterproof plastic sheath, with only one bit of cr@ppy tape to hold it together.

The box was dented and damaged to the extent of the having to pull apart the player and hammer out the dent with a mallet and sandbag.

This level of incompetence is not limited to anyone in particular as they are all to blame (even the baggage handlers at Airports or coach stations) They must be an entry exam to cause as much damage as possible "Can you throw this 30lb package across the van/room in such a way that is causes the most damage possible"

Does no-one have any RESPECT for other people?s belongings?

I suppose they don't care 'cos they aren't going to get reprimanded for it, it's coming out of their pocket to compensate - IT'S MY POCKET YOU FVCK TARDS

How would you like it if I throw your mother around the room in a way reminisant to when you walked in to join a threesome with your brother!!!!!


Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Monkey muppet

How would you like it if I throw your mother around the room in a way reminisant to when you walked in to join a threesome with your brother!!!!!


edit: actually I feel bad, is english your first language?