A Proposal to Team Anandtech Seti Classic


Golden Member
Jun 20, 2001
A proposal to Team Anandtech Seti Classic.

Recent events stimulated some brain cells (those not killed by to many beers :D)
What could we do as a Team....other than accumulate 12 Million + completed work units to our credit.

Members of this Team have been involved with Seti since its inception. Many for different reasons. Mostly, A search for........ HOPE...hope that we are not alone in the Universe. There is another search............now ongoing....HOPE....hope that they are not alone. :disgust:

Suvivors of a disaster of Epic proportions...all searching....hopeing......to find friends and loved ones still alive. It has been almost a month since this disaster.....at a time when many of us were celebrating the birth of what some concider our savior. A time when all of us of one religion or another were in celebration of Hope. The hope for the future for those that follow us. :)

I have often tried to describe our team, as many of you have......."Fun"..."Friendly"....Etc. I think "Social Responsibility" best describes our team. Over the years, team members have contributed to political victums.....those financialy devastated..... and..... many.......just misplaced by misfortune. We are one of....if not..... the most diverse and careing teams.....in terms of global membership. Governments, Companies, Individuals....all have contributed in one way or another to the Tsunami relief. Many....and hopefully all of us, have already contributed.

But, As a Team, we can make one lasting contribution. Seti Classic will soon come to an End. As a Team ...we have fought to achieve and maintain our current position......lots of drama between BBR and The TeAm. We have reached our glory....or have we? It has been said many times...within the posts on this forum......every Work Unit counts. Now we can make every Work unit count.

Here is my proposal: (ducks head...hands cover face to block tomatoes :p )

As a Team.............. WE put-up for sale on Ebay....the accumulation of our efforts. 5 million + work units....to the highest bidder. Proceeds to be donated to the Tsunami victums. We need a commitee to estabish ground rules ...like minimum bids....starting bid.....and bid threshold...the least we will take, etc. Someone should set up a poll for team members to vote on this proposal.....(I don't do good with polls).
Can you imagine the Press we would get? Can you imagine the prestige we would get?............................................Can you imagine the amount of help we could provide!
To help put someones life back together.....this to me, would be the ultimate satisfaction.

You all have to ask yourselves....and just think about the time, and energy that has gone into Seti...........what better way to give back to the world, for all the resources that we have consumed.....to achieve our world position.

What better way to end this phase of Seti...than to make all our efforts more than just a bunch of statistics!


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Nice speech & idea :) ,but......

As much as I hate to pi$$ on someones fire I don't think this is the best way about it.
Why? ,TA has worked long & hard at getting those 12 mil WUs ,if we sell them what would we have to show for it? ,virtually nothing!:(.
Also I suspect that if we wanted to contribute towards the tsunami disaster in addition to our personal contributions then a 'TA collection' fund would more than likely raise more cash IMO.
I would think it very unlikely that the printed press would pay any attention to a cash sell unless it was a huge amount ,which I think is extremley unlikely.

One other practical point which overrides all the above anyway ,the teams WUs can't be given (sold) away as one lot.And even if you renamed the team & handed over control to a bidder there's no way to stop accounts leaving it.Not to mention that we'd be taking a decision for many who don't post in the forums & hence haven't voted.

I'm sorry if I've shot down your idea in flames :( ,but I really don't think it would be practical or 'optimal'
Your a great team mate & I wouldn't want to upset ya ,but I couldn't do the alternative & ignore the thread.

Sorry Soggysocks

What do you others think?


Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
Indeed, Soggy's idea is very honorable. But as Assimilator said, you can't hand over a team's points and make the bidder change all our email addresses in one instance so nobody can leave and take the points he payed for. I think that - regardless how good the idea is - technical problems in this case just won't let it become real.

Also, how di you set up a vote? Is 51% of all voters enough, 66% of all voters, or at least 51% or 66% of the whole TeAm, which is almost impossible to get, as I think lots of people just don't visit the forums anymore. How do you deal with their WUs without being able to ask them?

I myself only have 1500 SETI WUs and I'd be glad to give them away, but maybe some of your big players just don't want to lose what they achieved for themselves and the TeAm in all those years. (Not saying that our big players aren't "socialy responsible"!!)

It wouldn't be the first time though, that TA is able to gather some money. I mean, remember when GeoffS needed us for our stats server? THat worked pretty well I guess. So maybe setting up a paypal account and a way to receive cash and then just go for an Anandtech title page article with a "call to arms" for a united effort to gather as much $ as possible for the Tsunami victims?



Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
One other practical point which overrides all the above anyway ,the teams WUs can't be given (sold) away as one lot.And even if you renamed the team & handed over control to a bidder there's no way to stop accounts leaving it.Not to mention that we'd be taking a decision for many who don't post in the forums & hence haven't voted.

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
We could, however, let individual members pledge their WUs to a pool, and move their own work wherever it's decided it should go. I don't think I can personally, because the majority of my WUs were done on University machines that aren't to be used for financial gain. But if others want to, it seems like the most useful thing I've seen SETI do lately.


Golden Member
Jun 20, 2001
Well at least I'm getting a response.

I didn't expect anything positive or negative. I did not mean to incite or inspire. This was just an Idea.....to put forth to the team.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Whilst Kens modification to your idea would work ,I'd be concerned that we'd be handing over victory to BBR on a plate.
I realise this pales in comparision to the problems that the tsunami victims are experiencing ,but I think we could keep our own goals and help them by creating a Team Anandtech contributory fund ,if people thought a seperate TA fund was needed.

10/10 for a radical & different idea though!:)


Golden Member
May 11, 2001
i think that bmc was right in a comparison to the TeAm donating when geoff needed server upgrades. i think there would be more power and money in someone opening a paypal account or giving an address where we can send donations and then making a lump sum donation on behalf of TeAm Anandtech as a whole. this can achieve what we want to achieve in contributions for the tsunami victims, keep the TeAm ahead of BBR and by opening the donations up to more than just one DC project we can really expand the area of possible donors. i just think that opening up an account and having us donate can really garner a lot more money than an ebay sale of workunits. great idea soggysocks, we just need to tweak it and open it up to ideas. i will be more than glad to contribute a monetary donation when we get this up and rolling.


Diamond Member
Feb 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Unforgiven
i think that bmc was right in a comparison to the TeAm donating when geoff needed server upgrades. i think there would be more power and money in someone opening a paypal account or giving an address where we can send donations and then making a lump sum donation on behalf of TeAm Anandtech as a whole. this can achieve what we want to achieve in contributions for the tsunami victims, keep the TeAm ahead of BBR and by opening the donations up to more than just one DC project we can really expand the area of possible donors. i just think that opening up an account and having us donate can really garner a lot more money than an ebay sale of workunits. great idea soggysocks, we just need to tweak it and open it up to ideas. i will be more than glad to contribute a monetary donation when we get this up and rolling.
I would like to think most of us has done this already at least once in real life but I'm sure they can always use more.


Apr 23, 2000
My financial donations to tsunami relief have already been sent; my WUs stay with Team Anandtech in the Seti@Home project. Period.


Jul 29, 2001
We probably wouldn't get much for them anyways... It'd not be anywhere near the value in cpu time.
Jan 12, 2005
How about involving all the fourm members of anandtech?? See if you can arrange something with the hosts of this website and have one paypal addy to gather the money.


Golden Member
Apr 7, 2000
The main issue I have with this "donation" concept is that it only deals with the "latest" big news item at hand. I want my share of the WU sales to go to older problems, where millions more people are suffering, like cancer research, and/or helping my fellow Floridians who are still not recovered from the hurricane season.

And therein lies ONE of the main problems with the 'selling of WUs' concept. Hundreds of team members, hundreds of preferred charities.

Individual choice is a keystone of the internet. I for one do not want a 'committee' deciding where and how MY work units are used.



Aug 19, 2004
Although I support the donation of money to charities to help the flood victims, like its been said above, I would like to choose where my money goes. I would not want my work units sold.


Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Soggysocks
A proposal to Team Anandtech Seti Classic.

Here is my proposal: (ducks head...hands cover face to block tomatoes :p )

What better way to end this phase of Seti...than to make all our efforts more than just a bunch of statistics!

A very nice Idea But...

Not all of my WU's are build from this team ( I changed 3 Teams [Induvidual/SkzDaLimit/S@NL/DPC/Here!)
So selling them would not be all credit for this team.

A paypal accout as seen further in this thread is a good idea.

I won't be paying because I donated Allready privatly and with the comampy I Gave away some holiday days and the worth of days in money was donated on behalf of the company.

It is a very nobel plan but I will not participate.



Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Mlani
A very nice Idea But...

Not all of my WU's are build from this team ( I changed 3 Teams [Induvidual/SkzDaLimit/S@NL/DPC/Here!)
So selling them would not be all credit for this team.

A paypal accout as seen further in this thread is a good idea.

I won't be paying because I donated Allready privatly and with the comampy I Gave away some holiday days and the worth of days in money was donated on behalf of the company.

It is a very nobel plan but I will not participate.


Nice to see another Dutch Seti member on the forums! :)
Indeed, a lot of Dutch companys offered their personel the oppertunity to give away holliday days which the company donated.

I already gave a donation, so I can't say for sure if I'm willing to donate again on a TeAm account, although great idea!
Sorry to see your nice idea going down SoggySocks, but it's nice to see people thinking about it!


Golden Member
Jun 20, 2001
Well....I am glad to see a good response to this, positive and negative. And, like I said it was only an Idea. To be honest....I was very reluctant to post this. But, the responses have only gone to reinforce why I posted in the first place. The efforts of this team do have real value. It's not just the numbers or the fact that we can counter BBR if needed, though that part is really fun. :cool:

But, this team has 3362 members of which 350+ are actively particpating/ crunching.
So far, I see 17 posts and 300 views to my proposal...........thats not quite 100% input. :disgust:

It is obvious that selling or auctioning WU's is not practical.....but, there has been quite a few good Ideas posted. And, as I said, We are one of the most, if not the most, diverse teams Participating in the Seti search. So, there are a few more that need to give input here.