A plethora Of Windows 2000 / Win2k Questions


Jul 10, 2001
Well I did it, I finally got my bum in gear and got rid of the ol' workhorse that is 98SE and did a fresh install of Win2k. I have to say I love it. It's nice, stable, and clean. However, I do have a couple of questions regarding various things that I've come across and I haven't found much help in the FAQ's. I know I really should've put these in seperate posts but I'm to lazy ;) I'm not really expecting everyone to have an answer for each question, and any input is greatly appreciated. Well here goes....

What Can I Delete Safely? I installed SP2 right away after the OS install, and everything went fine. However I noticed there was a left over directory from the update and I wondered if I could safely remove it. Well I moved the folder, rebooted, and everything seemed fine. So I went ahead and deleted it. My question is, are there any other folders that are devoted to backup or rollback procedures that the normal user won't need and/or are safe to delete? I'm always on a quest for more space so anything spare bytes I can grab are OK by me. Secondly....

The Dreaded 60Hz Issue... After installing DX8 and all my drivers I popped in some fairly new games, (QIII, UT, Medal Of honor.) To my dismay, when I would begin playing, the refresh rate was locked at 60hz. In 98 the OS automatically set the highest supported refresh rate for the given resolution, this doesn't happen in 2k (or XP apparantly.) The only solution I could find was by using a program called MultiRes from Entech, (The Guys who make powerstrip.) It works I guess, but I still have to switch to my desired game resolution in windows, set the refresh rate, and hope it sticks when I launch my game. Anyone know of an easier hack or alternative? Finally...

Defragging Problems I have my drive set up into 5 partitions, and I put the swap file on drive F. When I go to defragment my drives Windows will defragment every single drive perfectly, except the F drive. Is this a coincidence? What happens is windows will scan the drive and then immediatly pop up saying the drive is defragmented. Even If i move huge files around or delete stuff here and there, causing fragmentation, it still says its done right away. What the hell is going on? Any ideas?

Wow, thats a lot of stuff. Thanks again for the help, and if you have any other comments or suggestions for a new user of 2k please feel free to share and make the transition that much easier. Thank, Jake

Edit: Just thought of another one. I opted to disable ACPI in the Bios and selected a non-acpi computer during the install of 2k. However APM is still enabled. Is there a way to have my computer shutdown when I press the power button, or does that require ACPI? Thanks one more time.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001

<< I put the swap file on drive F. When I go to defragment my drives Windows will defragment every single drive perfectly, except the F drive. Is this a coincidence? What happens is windows will scan the drive and then immediatly pop up saying the drive is defragmented. Even If i move huge files around or delete stuff here and there, causing fragmentation, it still says its done right away. What the hell is going on? Any ideas? >>

Well, the junky Windows 2000 Defragmenter can't defrag the page file and that's prolly what's up. Truthfully, I wouldn't even both with defragmenting using the built in one. Norton Speed Disk or Diskeeper is soooooo much better and faster.


Jul 10, 2001
Yeah I had sysworks 2002 installed, but apparantly it was a Beta verison and the update to speed disk to make it work better with 2k (and hopefully allow it to defrag all the partitions) wouldnt install correctly. Man morpheus really needs to get their quality control in order.....I mean uh.....*runs*


Dec 21, 2001
On the DirectX problem, do this: Start>Run>dxdiag. It will bring up a window with several tabs of stuff about DirectX. Click on the "More Help" tab and then the "Override" button. This will let you set the refresh rate manually.