as the size of electronics shrinks, such as our .18 micron (180 nm) processors, and that sucky .15 micron processor and future SMALLER cores, the effects of quantum mechanics becomes very real. and thus there exists a way of bypassing that problem, optical gates. optical gates are REAL! but only in labs. and by optical, i don't mean these wimpy fiber optic connections.
the power cord is a power cord. electricity to power devices is always required. but our data connections (phone cord, or ethernet) will get replaced by fiber optics. look at gigabit ethernet and the 10 gb ethernet. twisted pair is not enough to fully achieve that bandwidth, so we have fiberoptic connections.
the power cord will NOT get replaced by an optical cord. but our data interconnects will most likely go optical for the "external" connections such as networking. that is to say, our "ribbon cables" will still be in use, despite serial ata using less wires, they are still wires.
we won't have a "central light source" instead we will have ONE main data connection, which is optical in nature, coming into our homes for telecommunications (data, audio, video) as well as "wireless" (RF, tv, satellite, whatever). don't envision a gigantic light bulb ;-).
and soy, get my name out of that sig.