A New Storage HD


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2002
hey guys, just wanted some feedback.

I'm looking to add a new Storage drive to my system

here are my choices

price are in Canadian funds

300GB Maxtor® DiamondMax® 10 SATA-150 $154.99

250GB Western Digital® Cavier? SE16 SATAII-300 $144.99

i'm leaning more towards the WD drive, since I currently already have a Raptor for my main drive. And also if I ever have to RMA a WD drive there is a location close to me. had a 80jb drive die on my couple years back. And RMA got to me in like 3-4 days.

I've also heard of issues with the Maxtor drives and Nforce 4 boards aswell. requiring a firmware update. i'm currently using a Nforce 3 board so not sure those would affect me.

Both drives have 16mb caches, tho the WD is SATA2, but then again my board doesn't have any SATA2 ports. so that is not really a big issue anyways, since SATA2 has no performance difference from SATA drives. Eventually I wil be going to a PCI E board, so the SATA2 will come into use on a future upgrade.

The maxtor also has the 50GB size advantage for 10bucks more, But if size was my biggest concern at the moment, I obviously wouldn't be posting this and would have gone with the bigger drive.

i'm on a MSI neo 2 platinum board.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2002
I would have considered the seagate but in that 250 to 300GB size and price range didn't see any 16mb cache models for seagate, unless i'm mistaken?