A new left? How about Green/Dem ticket


Mar 29, 2004
Some of the ideas in here are very new to America but getting these new issues out is a exellent way from getting stuck in the same old same old Republican-pandering tail-chasing the Democrats have gotten themselves into.
Your ideas on some of the points in this platform?

It is from 2000 so it could use some updating someone should get Jello on it to get it up to speed,

Jello Biafra's Platform for Green Party

Enact a maximum wage
Great idea. When I got it aired on Politically Incorrect I was roundly booed by audience and guests alike. The host told the viewers I was crazy before he even said my name. People assume they are the ones who will be hurt when the big bad government hits the middle class with another evil tax.

So let?s be generous: No taxes up to $100,000; after that it?s payback time. And emphasize the payback--free health care, free education (including amnesty on student loans), free transportation (including air travel), and more.

Revenue will be used for the many costly programs in the Green platform and long over-due public works projects; also vastly increased subsidies for the arts, especially community radio and television; subsidies for independent organic farms, hemp and kanaf farms (to end dependence on paper from forests), and solar and windmill farms to decrease our fossil fuel gluttony.

Urban blight can be further eradicated by legalizing and subsidizing squatters who fix up long-vacant buildings. This has worked well in Europe when given a chance; think of what it could do for places like St. Louis or Richmond, VA. Speed up conversion to electric buses, trucks, a national high-speed rail system; and , of course, electric cars.

We don?t need a flat tax, but a flattening tax, to truly level the playing field. After all, what causes more damage to the planet, drug addiction or wealth addiction? Hopefully the maximum wage will raise enough money to fill the cups of everyone who makes less than $100,000 so weíll all be even. And can we please find a clearer, sexier term than single-payer health care next time it?s a ballot initiative?

We must close all hemorrhaging tax loopholes that benefit giant corporations, including organized religion.

Taxpayers should also be given a multiple choice of the ten or fifteen major areas of government to decide what percentage of their tax money goes where. My guess is that education and the environment will go straight up, and the arms race and prison expansion will go straight down.

Abolish the Military
And the CIA, NSA, DIA, DEA, ATF, hopefully the FBI, and disband all SWAT teams.
Our biggest national security threat is the environmental destruction of our planet and the arms race with ourselves. So let?s use the defense budget, personnel, and know-how for a new mission: clean up toxic waste, rebuild cities and infrastructure, dismantle all nuclear arms and satellites, and implement worldwide the very environmental and labor practices Third World WTO delegates complained are too costly.

Withdraw from NAFTA and the World Trade Organization.
Wealth addicts have gotten carried away; now it?s time for rehab. Earlier in our history there were strict laws mandating public hearings and revocations of charters of corporations for misconduct, and restricting board of directorships to one corporation per person. Letís bring these laws back.

Irradiated and GM (Genetically Mutilated) frankenfood and other products must be labeled. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 should be repealed immediately. And workers should be allowed to elect their bosses.

End the war on drugs

Decriminalize marijuana and illegal narcotics such as heroin, cocaine, and crack. Hard-core addiction is an illness, not a crime. Put users on prescription, and crime will drop dramatically when they donít have to rob and kill people to pay the Mobís high drug prices.

Any president or governor can stop the prison-building boom right now by commuting sentences for minor, non-violent drug offenders to time served. Why not pressure them to do it?

The same goes for the death penalty. I have chosen Mumia Abu-Jamal, a noted author, journalist, and activist currently on Death Row in Pennsylvania on questionable charges, as my vice presidential running mate to show why we should join the rest of the civilized world and halt executions forever.

I am an anarchist in my personal life. I try to live my life in a way that I don?t need cops or baby-sitters to keep me from infringing on others. But I don?t feel we have evolved far enough as a species to make anarchy work in society itself. We still need government to transfer the wealth from those who have too much to those who have too little, to make sure important projects get done, and keep territorial humans from screwing over and killing each other.

So guess what? I?m Tough On Crime!, especially when the punishment fits the crime:
# _ Sentence slum lords to live in their own buildings.
# _ Sentence polluters to inhale and swim in the mess they?ve made until they clean it up. Sentence Savings and Loan sharks and white collar gangstas from our recent bank deregulation to pay back all the money they steal, just like if they held up a 7-11.
# _ Sentence arms dealers and manufacturers to pay for rebuilding all the places destroyed by the by the wars they help start.

End Police Brutality
Make police officers stand for election every four years, voted on by the districts they patrol.

Lower the Voting Age to Five
See youth apathy magically turn around when they know they have a real stake in their future; and get to vote for their school boards, and why not their teachers?

Education Reform
Including a mandatory class on parenting and offer drug and sex education using actual drugs and sex in class. Showing how it?s done with an emphasis on sensitivity could do wonders for combating sexism and date rape. Joycelyn Elders is right: teaching masturbation is far more realistic than expecting today?s libidinous teens to bury their heads in abstinence.
Meanwhile, nothing gets bigger laughs at parties than our rigid Drug Czar?s TV ads. To put it mildly: they don?t work. Students should be able to experiment with drugs in a supervised and controlled setting to learn their limits, not sent blindly off on their own into the risks of hard core addiction.

Election Reform
State and national legislative elections should be switched to a parliamentary system with proportional representation. Campaign time should be limited to six weeks. Anyone campaigning or soliciting bribes, excuse me, contributions, beforehand will be automatically disqualified.
Ballots in all elections should include the option of voting None of the Above. If NOTA gets over 50% of the vote, a new election must be held with all new candidates.

Other Proposals:
# Limit junk mail to one 3 x 5 card per mailing
# Ban drug and lie-detector tests of employees and students, and forbid the drugging of schoolchildren against their will.
# Give out giant waterproof Yuppie Parasite decals containing a skull and crossed cell-phones to be plastered by concerned citizens on all sport utility vehicles until they are eradicated from urban and suburban areas.
# Convert giant sports stadiums into homeless shelters until the maximum wage imposed on today?s sports stars funds the necessary low-income housing.
# Fight gentrification by allowing those under siege to spray whipped cream on those who flaunt their upwardly mobile invader status until the interlopers leave town.

I apologize to those who feel I should wage a more aggressive campaign. I did not expect to be nominated, and I am locked in my own battle against globalization that has been a huge strain on my time, emotions, and resources. Former members of my old band are suing me with the expressed intent of wiping out 22 years of work because I wouldn?t allow them to put one of our best known songs in a Levi?s Dockers TV commercial. Trial begins April 17.
Plus, I voted for Ralph Nader last time, and would gladly vote for him again. Should I have let my name be on the ballot at all? Ever since I ran for mayor, I have proven to be an effective media magnet and lightening rod for protest votes reaching far beyond the underground popularity of my work. On the other hand, should a flamboyant artist and prankster be the main banner-carrier at this point? Or would more progress be made by only running "serious" candidates?

Events in Seattle and around the globe show there are far more people on our side of the fence than we give credit for. What does it say about our country when people are so desperate for an alternative to our one-party state masquerading as a two-party state that they?ll even elect a professional wrestler governor?

Steelworkers and eco-activists are marching together. People are questioning whether it is more important to live in a marketplace than a community. They question whether competitiveness is more important than compassion and quality of life. More and more young people see corporations as an authority figure to rebel against, instead of buying into every manufactured pop trend. The spread of Students Against Sweatshops on college campuses is important--not just because the battle is right, but because it is winnable. A step by step approach makes greater change seem less hopeless.

In my own small way I try to inspire people to at least start thinking about what they might do and where they would fit in if we actually found ourselves in charge. For all their faults, at least the front line opposition in places like the Czech Republic and South Africa had some idea of how they would actually run things if and when they had the chance. We?re not there yet. Splitting into two competing Green Parties is just plain childish.

Don't hate the media, become the media
Film-maker Michael Moore is right: we must spend less time arguing and agreeing with each other, and more time reaching out to people who may not appear to agree with us, but often share the same underlying concerns. These issues aren?t left versus right, they are the top against the bottom. No one who is down-sized out of a job should be allowed to fall for Pat Buchanan. Putting food on the table is the number one wedge issue of growing concern for everyone.

We need to show the step by step ways each individual can help free themselves from Corporate Feudalism. Condensing and translating the Green Party Platform from lawyer-ese into English, Spanish, etc. would be a big help here.

We must emphasize the importance of voting in local elections, where a smaller group of concerned citizens can make the most difference.

Some people not yet weaned from today?s Democratic Party will try to intimidate us, calling us spoilers who siphon away votes, and tip close races to Republicans. I say, "Great!" Let?s do it some more. The real spoilers are operatives like Clinton, Gore, Feinstein, and the Democratic Leadership Council, rendering their party indistinguishable from the party of Bu$h, Inc., and thus making the Greens, New Party, and others necessary in the first place.

As it stands now, we are being farmed. Imagine what we can do if we gain enough seats in legislatures to influence the balance of power and decision making. Imagine what we can do if we get the necessary 5% of the vote in this presidential election to gain federal matching funds for 2004. This is all more than possible, even under current election laws.

Fresh ideas are good please don't hate, this is a Democracy.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004
jello biafra is still doing stuff? I figured he was on the lifetime loser tour of college campuses with his worn out monolouge. At least spalding gray was entertaining.



Mar 29, 2004
Yes he still is very active, travels all over the country and is all over europe.
He is not even in the Bay Area very much (where he lives.)
Too bad you lost touch.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
State and national legislative elections should be switched to a parliamentary system with proportional representation.
and no one will dare cross party lines ever
Campaign time should be limited to six weeks.
stamp out free speech!
Ballots in all elections should include the option of voting None of the Above. If NOTA gets over 50% of the vote, a new election must be held with all new candidates.
that might be kinda fun, but could lead to all sorts of problems about the changeover of power (i.e. what happens when a term runs out and no one is around to fill it?)
Including a mandatory class on parenting and offer drug and sex education using actual drugs and sex in class.
one thing to talk about it... another thing entirely to do it.
And workers should be allowed to elect their bosses.
popularity costs are a bad way to run a business
Irradiated and GM (Genetically Mutilated) frankenfood and other products must be labeled.
all food is genetically modified. and coming from the side of people that claims to be educated and non-ignorant, the level of ignorance about food irradiation is astounding.
And can we please find a clearer, sexier term than single-payer health care next time it?s a ballot initiative?
making the government pay for medical care (lets be real, until there are penalites assessed for being a fat ass this isn't health care) won't stop rising costs. the only thing that can stop rising costs is if the level of care given progresses at a much slower rate. and no one wants progress to stop.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
"...offer drug and sex education using actual drugs and sex in class"

I think you're onto something huge here


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: ElFenix
State and national legislative elections should be switched to a parliamentary system with proportional representation.
and no one will dare cross party lines ever (Uness they are disenfrancised)
Campaign time should be limited to six weeks.
stamp out free speech! How would it stamp out free speech hes talking about the official campagining (and resulting spin)
Ballots in all elections should include the option of voting None of the Above. If NOTA gets over 50% of the vote, a new election must be held with all new candidates.
that might be kinda fun, but could lead to all sorts of problems about the changeover of power (i.e. what happens when a term runs out and no one is around to fill it?) Well, someone else would have to step up to the plate there would be a lot more varied canidates then career politicians, if the canidates are THAT bad then let someone from the community that is respected take over, it can't help but encourage american new ideas in this great experiment we call democracy.
Including a mandatory class on parenting and offer drug and sex education using actual drugs and sex in class.
one thing to talk about it... another thing entirely to do it. This is a very volitile subject (but what is new that hasen't been?) but, I wonder what it would be like to be raised with EXPERIENCE instead of the same BS we all know we are being fed in school.
And workers should be allowed to elect their bosses.
popularity costs are a bad way to run a business hey it's Democracy you want to stay at your job then be good, damn good! This is one of the ways I can see this could possibly bring some serious competition in our world markets products which SHOULD be top stuff! American products are not known for their quality anymore.
Irradiated and GM (Genetically Mutilated) frankenfood and other products must be labeled.
all food is genetically modified. and coming from the side of people that claims to be educated and non-ignorant, the level of ignorance about food irradiation is astounding. I eat all organic food from local veggie sales maybe you shop at the wrong places, I for one take responsibility for what I consume so I walk a few blocks farther to the farmer markets where I can but locally grown foods. I am sure you have this option also, if you do not take advantage of it then that is your choice in food this is america and their is PLENTY of food to choose from for everyone.
And can we please find a clearer, sexier term than single-payer health care next time it?s a ballot initiative?
making the government pay for medical care (lets be real, until there are penalites assessed for being a fat ass this isn't health care) won't stop rising costs. the only thing that can stop rising costs is if the level of care given progresses at a much slower rate. and no one wants progress to stop.
the level and quality of care and the areas it could be improved CAN be upgraded, it's not going to be easy to balance it but whenever we finally get socialized heathcare like other modern countries it WILL be a challenge for our elected officials I will not deny that it will be hard but it is inevitable and nessasary.



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: cwjerome
"...offer drug and sex education using actual drugs and sex in class"

I think you're onto something huge here

Dont knock it till you tried it :cookie:


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
I'd rather have a 100000 more years of bush than the sh!t you proposed.

Careful what you ask for mate. cloning is almost possible in our lifetimes.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2004
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
I'd rather have a 100000 more years of bush than the sh!t you proposed.


What you are proposing is basically socialism leaning towards communism. I hate to break it to you but that will never work.

Main Problem - if you pay no taxes until $100,000 why would anyone go through the hassle of earning over $100,000. I sure as hell would worry about getting raises or working harder once I have reached about $90,000. If everyone or atleast the majority of people decide to do the same (and they definitely will), there will be no taxes collected to fund all the socialist programs.


Mar 29, 2004
There is a whole lot more to earn then 100k BUT if that is your thing then you have to pay. How is that communism? Sounds more to me like you pay for your ego.
I would rather see the greedy pay taxes then the poor have to starve for the wealth-addicted.
Sure does not make sense if you area greedy asshole hording more money then then can ever spend
but hey this is not for the Republican party it is for you and me -the people


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2004
yeah I know that there is more than $100,000 to earn, but my argument is if you are in the trenches working your way up to the magical number $100,000 why would you put in the extra effort required to surpass $100,000.

Your idea was not a communist government but it is a socialist government with aspects of a communist government.

The big problem I see with any communist government or socialist governemnt is eventually people become complacent and lazy because their basic needs are already available, they do not have to work for survival.


Mar 29, 2004
Do these issues worry you so much then what JK had to say?
Theres a reason JK was the closest thing to a republican that the current corrupt goverment could provide the forward thinkers of America.
No wonder he lost.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: jackace
yeah I know that there is more than $100,000 to earn, but my argument is if you are in the trenches working your way up to the magical number $100,000 why would you put in the extra effort required to surpass $100,000.

Your idea was not a communist government but it is a socialist government with aspects of a communist government.

The big problem I see with any communist government or socialist governemnt is eventually people become complacent and lazy because their basic needs are already available, they do not have to work for survival.

Nothing in what I posted points out a communist set wages for certain working classes. just a cap on maximum wage for those who find the need to live beyond normal expectations in what we all would find "comfortable" then, yeah you get taxed. The diffrence of earning 1 million in america and being taxed. and 90k not taxed would be a lot. And the working classes would see taxes 100k+ as a sign of respect and a goal someday (a extra incentive to work hard to serve your country when you have succeded as a bonus.)

I am thinking competition with foreign nations industry we HAVE to provide incentive to excel for future generations beyond their own personal gain!


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2004
Originally posted by: steeplerot
Originally posted by: jackace
yeah I know that there is more than $100,000 to earn, but my argument is if you are in the trenches working your way up to the magical number $100,000 why would you put in the extra effort required to surpass $100,000.

Your idea was not a communist government but it is a socialist government with aspects of a communist government.

The big problem I see with any communist government or socialist governemnt is eventually people become complacent and lazy because their basic needs are already available, they do not have to work for survival.

Nothing in what I posted points out a communist set wages for certain working classes. just a cap on maximum wage for those who find the need to live beyond normal expectations in what we all would find "comfortable" then, yeah you get taxed. The diffrence of earning 1 million in america and being taxed. and 90k not taxed would be a lot. And the working classes would see taxes 100k+ as a sign of respect and a goal someday (a extra incentive to work hard to serve your country when you have succeded as a bonus.)

I am thinking competition with foreign nations industry we HAVE to provide incentive to excel for future generations beyond their own personal gain!

From what i have read setting a maximum wage is a communist idea not a socialist one??? That is where i get the communism from.

I think you are missing my point: people will not earn more than $100,000 unless they could jump from say $99,000 to something like $150,000 because if earning over $100,000 you now have to pay taxes which decreases your take home income. No company is going to give you a raise of 50% thus not many people will be earning over $100,000.

Don't get me wrong a communist government would be great if every person was perfect and totally honest with everyone else in the community, but that is not going to happen.



Mar 29, 2004
What you don't trust the IRS to tax you fairly? Maybe its time to look at the whole picture.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2004
Originally posted by: steeplerot
What you don't trust the IRS to tax you fairly? Maybe its time to look at the whole picture.

I don't know what you mean by that comment?


Mar 29, 2004
Well charging someone 150k for 100k of earning is dumb if you were in competition for a goverment job to make sure we were fairly taxed would this make sense?


Oct 10, 1999
Sounds like one giant hippe commune. If you want to live like that why not start one? Don't force the rest of us to be a part of your socialist/wealth-distribution/communist crap. You have a right to your opinion, so I'm glad you posted this. I will say that not 1/10th of this, not even 1/50th of it will happen in my lifetime, so that makes me happy.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2004
Originally posted by: steeplerot
Well charging someone 150k for 100k of earning is dumb if you were in competition for a goverment job to make sure we were fairly taxed would this make sense?

I don't think you understand

What I meant by my comment is:

Say i work for company Y. They pay me exactly $100,000/year. under your system I would pay no taxes, but if Company Y wanted to give me a $10,000 raise and promote me to a new supervisory position I would probably turn it. The reason would be an increase in responsibililty, but after taxes I would have very little of a raise. (about $3,000 instead of $10,000, considering a tax of about 70%, which is what I would suspect would be needed to maintain your social programs)

The $150,000 (or an actual raise of about 15% or $15,000) is about the amount company Y would have to pay me to consider taking an increase in responsibility. Not many companies would be willing to increase pay for one person by that much which means most people will reamin under $100,000/year. With most people earning under $100,000/year and not paying taxes who pays for the social programs. The burden falls on the rich who will eventually find some way of either leaving or hiding income.

The other problem I have with your system is it effectively punishes those who strive to be more productive or successful (moving up the economic ladder). Doing this makes everyone complacant and lazy (not moving up the economoc ladder). Your type of system will NEVER work in this country or any other country which has had a taste of the "free market system" without force.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Never going to happen. A few of those suggestions aren't bad, like the None of the above 50% thingy, but most of those are just too extreme for more than a handful of people.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Mill
Sounds like one giant hippe commune. If you want to live like that why not start one? Don't force the rest of us to be a part of your socialist/wealth-distribution/communist crap. You have a right to your opinion, so I'm glad you posted this. I will say that not 1/10th of this, not even 1/50th of it will happen in my lifetime, so that makes me happy.



Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
Originally posted by: steeplerot
There is a whole lot more to earn then 100k BUT if that is your thing then you have to pay. How is that communism? Sounds more to me like you pay for your ego.
I would rather see the greedy pay taxes then the poor have to starve for the wealth-addicted.
Sure does not make sense if you area greedy asshole hording more money then then can ever spend
but hey this is not for the Republican party it is for you and me -the people

LMAO! >$100,000 wage earner = egotistical and greedy. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
Originally posted by: Mill
Sounds like one giant hippe commune. If you want to live like that why not start one? Don't force the rest of us to be a part of your socialist/wealth-distribution/communist crap.

LOL, let's all join Mill with the full-on attack against this kind of liberal socialist crap. It's like a giant fresh turd sitting on the political table, festering for all to enjoy.