I'm planning on getting an Alpha 8045 for my new AXP 1600+ (the machine will be moved a lot and I don't want the clips to break in transit, I trust screws far more). I want to OC to 1800+ speeds (146 fsb, hopefully won't have boot troubles on Epox 8KHA+ at that). Four questions, 1) What kind of fan would be sufficient cooling for that? I'm hoping to keep temps under 50C. 2) Where can I buy one? 3) It just connects to the PSU's cable or fan header, right? I'm guessing PSU is a better spot for it? 4) Will my PCI/AGP cards have problems running out of spec at that FSB? I'll be using Audigy, a D-Link NIC, a modem to be determined, and a VisionTek GF3Ti200. Thank you for the help