A little help?


Nov 26, 2001
I'm planning on getting an Alpha 8045 for my new AXP 1600+ (the machine will be moved a lot and I don't want the clips to break in transit, I trust screws far more). I want to OC to 1800+ speeds (146 fsb, hopefully won't have boot troubles on Epox 8KHA+ at that). Four questions, 1) What kind of fan would be sufficient cooling for that? I'm hoping to keep temps under 50C. 2) Where can I buy one? 3) It just connects to the PSU's cable or fan header, right? I'm guessing PSU is a better spot for it? 4) Will my PCI/AGP cards have problems running out of spec at that FSB? I'll be using Audigy, a D-Link NIC, a modem to be determined, and a VisionTek GF3Ti200. Thank you for the help


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
Note this: The PAL8045 will fit the EP8KHA/8KHA+ board without modification. However, it will contact one of the board's capacitors, POSSIBLY damaging it. Grinding an edge of the base with a DREMEL or file or other tool could be a possible solution. This would, however, make you heat sink non-returnable. Due to these issues, we consider the use of the PAL8045 on this board a "Use at your own risk application."Please see Photo for reference.

When installing the standoff washer, it could possibly touch the surface mount resistors close to the motherboard hole. A possible solution would be cutting a part of washer using a set of nippers or cutting pliers to provide clearance. Due to these issues, we consider the use of the PAL8045 on this board a "Use at your own risk application."

As for the fan, I would recommend at least a 40cfm fan; I am using a 50cfm Sunon fan, and it keeps my 1.0GHz TBird @ 1.3Ghz at a steady 41 C. You can buy this combo at 2cooltek or coolerguys. Most fans will plug directly into the PSU molex connector; it is not wise to plug high-speed fans into the mobo header as there is a good chance it will burn it out. As for your PCI cards, no one can say; you'll just have to see. I have no experience with any of that hardware; someone with such cards may be able to offer some insight.


Nov 26, 2001
Possibly damaging it.. I don't have a dremel so I guess it will be hit or miss. Has anyone used the 8045 on a 8KHA+ without grinding the base of it? The washer is no problem, that's easily solved either as they say or with one of the 2000 other washers I have lying around the house.