A little help from my TeAmMates is required..


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Hi everybody!

I need a little TeAm help from anybody willing to. Me and petrusbroder are trying to make the http://www.teamanandtech.net/forums/ forums as fun and informative as possible. We want this to be a central place where everybody, old and noobs can come and have a great time, get info about projects like setup guides, download links, links to stats, and all the stuff you'll evar want to know about a dc project and also be able to post questions and suggestions.

To start this off, we need people who are willing to write setup guides for projects, post them and keep them up to date if possible with changes in the project. Any noob must be able to follow the instructions, so it should be easy to understand and as helpful as possible. This is for the TeAm, so plz jump in and help out plz.. :D

Here's how it will work: If you look at the forum there's a Distributed Computing section, with sections for Science, Life Sciences, Cryptography, Mathematics and Miscellaneous and under each a subforum where the setup guides will be posted. Just start a new topic with the project name as the title and make the guide. You can use images if you want by adding it as attachments and use the Add into Post button to put it anywhere in the post you want. Images are displayed as clickable thumbnails, so they won't take long to load.

And if you're not the setup guide type, we need stats posters for projects to post weekly or whatever kinda stats. Really any kinda thing you can think of that would make you proud to send someone a link to the forums. This can be great and with all the awesome TeAmMates here, I know it will be. ;)


Jun 2, 2002
Here's some links to various BOINC stats sites, if that's what you're looking for.

All or most projects:
Synergy BOINC Statistics for the WORLD! - http://www.boincsynergy.com/stats/index.php

BOINCstats.com - http://www.boincstats.com/

BOINC.dk - http://www.boinc.dk/index.php?page=statistics

The Knights Who Say Ni! - http://stats.kwsn.net/

OcUK - http://www.teamocuk.com/

Free-DC - http://stats.free-dc.org/

SETI/BOINC only stats:
SETIatWork TeAm stats - http://boinc.setiatwork.com/team/stats.cgi?teamid=30191

SETI@Netherlands - http://www.seti.nl/boinc_team.php

Would you do me a favor & see if i've already created an account on those forums. I can't see the members list & before i created one like to see if i've already got one. No sense in creating 2 accounts.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: amdxborg
Hi everybody!

To start this off, we need people who are willing to write setup guides for projects, post them and keep them up to date if possible with changes in the project. Any noob must be able to follow the instructions, so it should be easy to understand and as helpful as possible. This is for the TeAm, so plz jump in and help out plz.. ;)

I am no good at installs, ask anybody, they will tell ya :(

I can make them presentable, but so can almost anyone, I don't have the necessary time for stats anymore, but I will help if I can.

Oh and Hello Johan :p



Senior member
Jun 28, 2004
I am sure I could write the "unofficial" "FaD for Dummies" with lots of hints and tips, with particular attention to network installs. (I recently re-installed FaD on all he computers in the Blue Horde in under 1 hour-- 50+ computers. That's about a minute per computer.)

I'd like to post my guide in PDF format ... any comments on that?

Also, I could host the documents here with just links from the forums. That would make it incredibly simple for me to keep up to date. I'd appreciate comments on that as well.


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2004
I could probably manage a Seventeen or Bust guide once I catch up with my school work. The service install has me stumped though.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Thanx for the pms and replies guys! :D

@Spacehead, thanx for all the great links, they will be used!
@BMC, thanx mate!
@Mike, hi! Thanx for the offer, I'll let you know it there's anything!
@mondo, wow that sounds great! FAD is yours then. The pdf will work no problem, if you can also post the text in the forum that would be super, if not, the pdf will do! ;)
@ssvegeta, awesome news! SB is yours. Whenever you get the time for it is fine! :D


Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
Johan, do you think that one install guide for BOINC in general will do or that we should do a separate one for each project? I mean, the BOINC part is the same, but there are some differences in the various aps.


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
Well, I'll continue to do the stats on the monthly project, set@home classic (as long as it goes on), LHC@Home. No change there ... :D
Of course there will be some neffing too ... ;)


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
BMC, good idea a general guide for boinc will work, but maybe one should be posted for each project so that stats links and other info relavent to that project can be added. :D
Peter, as always the great stats are to die for! ;)