A few questions about dual CPUs and SETI.


Diamond Member
Mar 29, 2001
Ok, I finally got Win 2K set up on my dual celery box. From what I know it's best to run two instances of SETI@Home, right? I'm assuming you just do that in Seti Driver by making the maximum processes box set to 2 instead of 1. But do you need to give it 2 copies of the CLI client or does it just open two from the same location?
Now here's the part I really know nothing about. From what I have read you should set each of the clients to have an affinity with one of the CPUs. How do you set processor affinities?

Well, that's pretty much all my questions. Thanks before hand for your help!



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
When I set up the latest version of seti driver on my dual box (just a dual P2 233 1/2 gig ram) it had a check box to set affinity. I checked the box then when running I checked the task manager and it had each instance running on it's own cpu.
It runs it all under the covers, just give it one copy of cli.
BTW, that dual p2 233 puts out 2 WU a day! This while it does all it's normal workload too!


Oct 9, 1999
i just wanted to add that its a good idea to check task manager regulary and make sure both processes are running, i have had problems occasionally with new client not starting, its random and dosent affect all my boxes, so i always check and make sure at least once a day or so