Originally posted by: fuzzybabybunny
Nice pics
How's the F30? I know that a lot of people seem to like it because of its high ISO performance. I like how Fuji seems to like to buck the trend with their P&S cameras. They had like a special high dynamic range sensor, now a high ISO sensor. Didn't they also have a two-lens P&S, one lens that switched in for wideangle and another that switched in for telephoto?
I really like it, it's a neat little camera. The high ISO performance is great for a camera this size (ie a pocketable camera). Also, it offers an A/S mode that few, if any cameras of this size offer, so it's really a great camera to experiment with. If you visit the dpreview forums you'll see that a lot of F30 buyers are DSLR owners looking for something pocketable. The camera is a bit finicky though, you the metering is decent but has trouble with difficult scenes (such as this one) so it sometimes takes some tinkering to get nice pics. Also, I wish Fuji would get away from xD cards, they're awful.
As an aside, the cameras with two lenses are made by Kodak, and judging from the reviews they are not very good.
I should note that these pics are all post-processed in Photoshop; nothing too drastic though. I applied a light USM and I punched up the saturation of the reflections in the water just a touch to get them to stand out more in the second and third pictures.