Total headcount: 14
ATers present: Bunker, Bigwoofer, Jberlo, Fausto1, Tarca, geekender
Pizzas consumed: approx 12
Beer consumed: ~1.5 kegs :Q
Games played: BF1942, Colin McRae 2 and Ghost Recon this time around, among others.
Sleep had by yours truly over the weekend: ~10 hours
The calm before the storm (note hugeass power box in back right)
Ahh....that's more like it.
They tell me this stuff is called "beer".....we drank lots of it.
The other end of the room.
Hmmm...a southerner drinking a clear liquid out of a mason jar.....wonder what that stuff is?
Where's Fausto?
The next smarty pants that posts a message 5 miles long will earn a vacation
Yes you Roger and Lord Zero
AnandTech Moderator
ATers present: Bunker, Bigwoofer, Jberlo, Fausto1, Tarca, geekender
Pizzas consumed: approx 12
Beer consumed: ~1.5 kegs :Q
Games played: BF1942, Colin McRae 2 and Ghost Recon this time around, among others.
Sleep had by yours truly over the weekend: ~10 hours
The calm before the storm (note hugeass power box in back right)
Ahh....that's more like it.
They tell me this stuff is called "beer".....we drank lots of it.
The other end of the room.
Hmmm...a southerner drinking a clear liquid out of a mason jar.....wonder what that stuff is?
Where's Fausto?
The next smarty pants that posts a message 5 miles long will earn a vacation
Yes you Roger and Lord Zero
AnandTech Moderator