A father across the street killed himself

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Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
So on Wednesday evening, my wife and I return from work and there are literally around 15-20 cars lining our street. We are baffled there could be so many people. We are barely able to get into our driveway. There are tons of kids running around playing. We just chalked it up to some type of friend and family party.

We know the people across the street but aren't friends or anything.

Again yesterday, way more cars than normal at their house. I decide to do a little searching and we come to find out that the father had died. Earlier in the week, I had just seen the guy with his kids cutting down a tree. He was only 45 years old. We guess it must have been a car wreck. I do a little more searching and I find that a man fitting his age and vehicle type had killed himself in a church parking lot on Wednesday morning.

He left behind 3 kids and a wife. The kids are from around 8 to 20. I can't even begin to imagine the hell they are going through. An untimely death is one thing but to commit suicide and leave that with your kids is rough. All I can say is that at least he did it out of the house and the kids didn't find him.

It is just crazy for me to think I see him and his kids cutting down a tree and the next morning, he blows his brains out.

1. A 45 year old father across the street blew his brains out.
2. Kind of shocking....

Macamus Prime

Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2011
Who knows what was going on in his life. Hopefully his family can heal and continue living theirs.


Sep 5, 2000
Who knows what was going on in his life. Hopefully his family can heal and continue living theirs.

I agree, it's always hard to see what's going on in some one's life from the outside.

If you get a chance to talk to his wife when she doesn't have a million people over I'd suggest offering to help out, maybe mowing her lawn for a while or something like that. She's going to have a million things on her mind right now and keeping up on the stuff around the house is probably not one of them.


Oct 10, 1999
How sad. Same thing just happened across the street from my mother in law this morning. She went out and saw a bunch of cop cars and an ambulance. Apparently the guy killed himself.

Fear No Evil

Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2008
Growing up the neighbors 2 doors down from me had their father hang himself in the garage. The kids found him! What is strange though is that the family never moved, and one of the kids now owns the house. I'd think you would have too many horrible memories to keep that house!


Diamond Member
May 27, 2000
What is strange though is that the family never moved, and one of the kids now owns the house. I'd think you would have too many horrible memories to keep that house!

that would be awful for me. every time i go to the garage Id think about what happened there.

when i signed my life insurance the guy said i only had to wait 18months and they'd pay for suicides after that. I never confirmed it, nor do i want to test the clause.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2006
You know, it seems its often family men that end up in this situation. ???? puzzled.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2004
My ex girlfriends step dad did the same thing to himself. He had been sexually abusing a younger daughter and she told someone and it made it back to the police. He wasn't willing to go through it and ended himself. Too easy of a way out for that scumbag.
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